The use of morphometric indicators of the relief for soil mapping of around plants in the conditions of the middle taiga in the northern part of the Perm region

DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2021-4-27-162-174

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About the Authors

Aleksey N. Chashchin

Perm State Agro-Technological University named after academician D.N. Pryanishnikov,
Petropavlovskaya st. 23, 614990, Perm, Russia;

Iraida A. Samofalova

Perm State Agro-Technological University named after academician D.N. Pryanishnikov,
Petropavlovskaya st. 23, 614990, Perm, Russia;

Natalya M. Mudrykh

Perm State Agro-Technological University named after academician D.N. Pryanishnikov,
Petropavlovskaya st. 23, 614990, Perm, Russia;


The digital elevation model (DEM) matrix allows to reveal the relationship of the soil cover with morphometric parameters. Therefore, in the absence of the possibility of a large-scale field survey of soils, for territories with a high degree of erosion hazard, the data on the relief make it possible to carry out predictive large-scale soil maps. The aim of the work is to create a cartographic model of the soil cover of agricultural land based on the extrapolation of the results of DEM processing and to compare it with the existing large-scale soil map in similar natural conditions. The object of research is the territory of LLC “Selskoe” located in the Solikamsk urban district of the Perm region. Agricultural land use belongs to the northernmost agricultural lands in the region. The total area of research was 429 hectares of arable land. The plot includes 8 fields. For soil mapping, a digital elevation model ALOS 30 and a large-scale soil map of the key site were used, which characterizes part of the land use of the subsidiary farm “Voskhod”. Using the results of the classification of the relief according to the GIS SAGA TPI based landform classification algorithm as a contour base and the existing soil map of the key site, a soil map of LLC “Selskoe” was made by the extrapolation method. The steepness of the slopes and the topographic moisture index were used as auxiliary data. In conditions of complex relief, a clear dependence of the location of soils on relief elements has been established. By extrapolating data from a large-scale soil survey, 10 soil cartographic units were identified. According to the relief elements, podzolic, sod-podzolic, bog-podzolic and alluvial soils were identified. In terms of granulometric composition, light soils prevail, a small area is occupied by medium loamy soils.


Perm region, soil map, digital elevation models, based landform classification


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For citation: Chashchin A.N., Samofalova I.A., Mudrykh N.M. The use of morphometric indicators of the relief for soil mapping of around plants in the conditions of the middle taiga in the northern part of the Perm region. InterCarto. InterGIS. Moscow: MSU, Faculty of Geography, 2021. V. 27. Part 4. P. 162–174. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2021-4-27-162-174 (in Russian)