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About the Authors
Olesya V. Kuptsova
Pogranichnaya str., 2, 630023, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia;
Alexey A. Verkhoturov
Nauki str., 1B, 693022, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia;
Vyacheslav A. Melkiy
Nauki str., 1B, 693022, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia;
The article presents the results of the research of the fault zones of earth’s crust within the North Sakhalin plain using the lineament analysis of the SRTM model. The faults be identified in order to increase the information content of the maps of geological content. SRTM data was used as input. The analysis performed using the functionality of the LEFA software package. The use of SRTM data made it possible to assess disjunctive disorders in territory of the north of Sakhalin Island. The images of surface were analyzed using the binary-morphological erosion operation or using Canny mathematical algorithms with further digital processing by means of Hough Transform. The paper reveals the position of linear elements in different parts of the North Sakhalin plain. Excellent test of the quality of performed definitions was the results of earlier studies of the eastern part of the North Sakhalin Plain, which were carried out in connection with the development of hydrocarbon deposits and after the strong Neftegorsk earthquake. The data obtained served as the basis for drawing up a map of disjunctive disturbances of Sakhalin Island at scale of 1:500,000. Depending from scale, spatial resolution, and level of generalization of image, disjunctive disturbances of different lengths (transregional, regional, sub-regional, local) and ranks (1 rank from a few to hundred meters, 2 rank from a hundred meters to a kilometer, 3 rank from 1 km to 35 km, 4 rank from 35 to 100 km, 5 rank more than 100 km). The analysis of the SRTM model with the help of the LEFA toolkit allowed us to identify the zones where the earth’s crust fractures are located. The analysis of the SRTM model with the help of the LEFA toolkit allowed us to identify the zones where the earth’s crust fractures are located. As aresult of the analysis, the West Sakhalin, Central Sakhalin, Hokkaido-Sakhalin (Upper Piltun segment), Piltun, Garomai, Val-Langri, Gyrgylany-Daginsky, South Baikal, Udyl and many other faults of less than rank 2 were identified. The main results of the work will be useful in choosing places for the construction of economic and industrial facilities, as well as in the search and exploration of mineral deposits.
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For citation: Kuptsova O.V., Verkhoturov A.A., Melkiy V.A. Maping of faults on territory of the North Sakhalin plain by remote sensing data. InterCarto. InterGIS. Moscow: MSU, Faculty of Geography, 2021. V. 27. Part 1. P. 317–329. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2021-1-27-317-329 (in Russian)