DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-2-23-199-209

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About the Authors

Ye. P. Krupochkin

Altai State University
Russian Federation
656049, Barnaul, Lenin ave, 6

S. I. Sukhanov

Altai State University
Russian Federation
656049, Barnaul, Lenin ave, 6


Mathematical and scientific methods are highly significant in modern geoarcheological study. They contribute to the development of new computer technologies and their implementing in geoarcheological research in particular, decoding and photogrammetric processing of space images.

The article focuses on the “Detection Artifacts”software package designed for thematic aerospace image decoding which is aimed at making the search automatic for various archeological sites, both natural and artificially created ones. The main attention is drawn to decoding of archeological sites using methods of morphological analysis and indicative decoding.

Its work is based on two groups of methods of image computer processing: 1) an image enhancement method which is carried out with the help of spatial frequency filtration, and 2) a method of morphometric analysis. The methods of spatial frequency filtration can be used to solve two problems: information noise minimization and edge enhancement. To achieve the best results using the methods of spatial frequency filtration it is necessary to have all the information of relevance to the objects of searching.

Searching for various archeological sites is not only photogrammetric task. In fact, this problem can be solved in the sphere of photogrammetry with the application of aerospace and computer methods. The authors stress the idea in order to avoid terminology ambiguity and confusion when describing the essence of the methods and processes. It should be noted that the work with the images must be executed in a strict sequence. First and foremost, photogrammetric processing – atmospheric correction, geometric adjustment, conversion and geo targeting should be implemented. And only after that one can proceed to decoding the information.

When creating the software package a modular structure was applied that favorably affected the tasks being solved and corresponded to the conception of search for archaeological objects in aerospace images. 


software package, aerospace images, archeological sites, spatial frequency filtration, morphometric analysis


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For citation: Krupochkin Y.P., Sukhanov S.I. “DETECTION ARTIFACTS” SOFTWARE PACKAGE: FUNCTIONAL CAPABILITIES AND PROSPECTS OF USING (ON THE EXAMPLE OF GEOARCHEOLOGICAL RESEARCH). Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2017;23(2):199–209 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-2-23-199-209 (in Russian)