Features of drawings of the Russian state of the second half of the XVII century as a means of interpreting information about objects mentioned in statistical accounting documents (on the example of drawings of the Ruza District of the Moscow province)

DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2022-2-28-414-430

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About the Author

Anton P. Krassowski

State University of Land Use Planning, Faculty of Land Use Planning,
Kazakova str., 15, 105064, Moscow, Russia;
E-mail: anton.krass@gmail.com


This article presents the results of the analysis of the features of the drawings of the Russian state of the second half of the XVII–early XVIII centuries which can influence the interpretation of information about property objects depicted on them and those who own these objects (various departments and persons). The analysis was carried out by comparing the information available on the drawings depicting the territory of the Ruza District of the Moscow province with the information contained in the statistical accounting documents of the XVI–XVII centuries and the materials of the Moscow diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church. The article draws attention to the features of the execution of inscriptions inscribed on the drawings which can lead to an erroneous interpretation of the information contained in them. In the course of the work they were revealed not described in special literature earlier used in some drawings of the second half of the XVII century: a way to transfer information about property and owners of objects as well as a way to indicate the states in which Orthodox churches were located. The awareness of specialists using cartographic materials of the Russian state of the second half of the XVII–early XVIII centuries about the features of the drawings presented in this article will avoid inaccuracies when interpreting the information available on them and increase the amount of information taken from them. Of particular importance are the results of the research presented in this article when working with drawings both when they are used as a means of increasing the reliability of information about small rural settlements and land holdings extracted from statistical records of the XVI–XVII centuries and when they are the only source of information about the objects depicted on them and their owners.


Ruzsky District, Moscow province, drawings of The Russian state of the XVII century, historical documents


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For citation: Krassowski A.P. Features of drawings of the Russian state of the second half of the XVII century as a means of interpreting information about objects mentioned in statistical accounting documents (on the example of drawings of the Ruza District of the Moscow province). InterCarto. InterGIS. GI support of sustainable development of territories: Proceedings of the International conference. Moscow: MSU, Faculty of Geography, 2022. V. 28. Part 2. P. 414–430. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2022-2-28-414-430 (in Russian)