Geoinformation modeling of the project of eco-geological park in difficult social and environmental conditions of the center of Tyumen

DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2022-1-28-629-644

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About the Authors

Anatoly M. Brekhuntsov

Nemtsova 22, 625002, Tyumen, Russia;

Yuri V. Petrov

University of Tyumen,
Osipenko str., 2, 625002, Tyumen, Russia;


In the center of the city of Tyumen, there is a valley of the river, unique in its hypsometric characteristics for this natural zone, Tyumenka, which is characterized by complex social and environmental conditions. Today it is characterized by abandonment, degradation of slope natural-territorial complexes, social, historical and archaeological significance for the territorial community of people. All this significantly complicates the development of a mutually acceptable solution for all parties on the arrangement and operation of space. The territory is lands of non-delimited state property, in which scattered land use has developed over the centuries, which requires integrated state management. The authors used the geoinformation modeling method to design an ecogeological park in the Tyumenka river valley. The combination of geoinformation software, information resources of various thematic and temporal divisions (including the use of publicly available Earth remote sensing materials, multi-temporal thematic maps, specialized field surveys and surveys using an unmanned aerial vehicle), spatial development of compromise solutions for all interested parties—all these competitive advantages of geoinformation modeling have made it possible to reach and position comprehensive proposals for the general public. As a result of the study, for the first time, the territory for the initiated creation of an ecogeological park was outlined and functionally delimited. Three zones of promising functional use of the Tyumenka River valley in the format of an eco-geological park have been identified: historical-archaeological, geological and landscape-ecological. Each of the designated areas received its own territorial representation, argued by the current characteristics of the landscape, the social and environmental demands of the society, and the technological requirements for the placement of the relevant engineering facilities. The spatial placement of objects based on geoinformation modeling is presented. Heterogeneous, multitemporal data are systematized within the framework of one project, which made it possible to take into account various constraints. In the conditions of work with sites characterized by a situation of abandonment in the center of Tyumen, which is unique for Tyumen, and high social tension, the use of geoinformation modeling made it possible to obtain clear and verified spatial proposals.


ecogeological park, Tyumenka, geoinformation modeling, functional zoning


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For citation: Brekhuntsov A.M., Petrov Yu.V. Geoinformation modeling of the project of eco-geological park in difficult social and environmental conditions of the center of Tyumen. InterCarto. InterGIS. GI support of sustainable development of territories: Proceedings of the International conference. Moscow: MSU, Faculty of Geography, 2022. V. 28. Part 1. P. 629–644. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2022-1-28-629-644 (in Russian)