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Anton P. Krassowski
Kazakova str., 15, 105064, Moscow, Russia;
This article presents the results of the analysis of the formed set of information about the rural located on the territory of the Ruza district of the Moscow province in the XVI–XIX centuries. The source of information was historical documents and materials summarising them of the Russian state and the Russian empire of the XVI–XIX centuries and cartographic materials of the XVIII–XIX centuries, containing information about rural and settlements that became rural later, as well as information about the owners of settlements and their families in the XVI–XVIII centuries. The search was performed taking into account changes in the administrative- and church-territorial divisions of the territory of the county and taking into account changes in the types and names of settlements during the considered period of time. The systematisation of the received information and its presentation in tabular form were performed in order to ensure the convenience of performing further work with their use. The assessment of the adequacy of the reflection of the events of the social and political life of the XVI–XIX centuries formed by the totality of information about the rural of the Ruza district is made. The dependence of the predominance of a number of methods of formation of the corresponding toponyms on the era of their mention in documents and the creation of cartographic materials is revealed. The coincidence of the results obtained as a result of this study with the results obtained by recognised experts who worked in this field, allowed us to conclude that it is possible to use the formed set of information to study the reflection of the life of Russian society in documents and cartographic materials of the XVI–XIX centuries on the example of the Ruzsky district of the Moscow province.
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For citation: Krassowski A.P. Analysis of the reflection of the most important events of the XVI–XIX centuries in the names of rural of the Ruza district of the Moscow province, used in the documents and applied to cartographic materials. InterCarto. InterGIS. Moscow: MSU, Faculty of Geography, 2021. V. 27. Part 4. P. 445–460. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2021-4-27-445-460 (in Russian)