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About the Authors
Ekaterina A. Vasilieva
10, Plakhotnogo St., Novosibirsk, 630108, Russia;
Olga N. Nikolaeva
19, Pryanishnikova St., Moscow, 127550, Russia;
Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies, Department of Ecology and Natural Resources Management,
10, Plakhotnogo St., Novosibirsk, 630108, Russia;
Lyudmila K. Trubina
10, Plakhotnogo St., Novosibirsk, 630108, Russia;
The article presents the results of research in the field of mapping the ecological state of city trees. Public green spaces are subject to constant and intense anthropogenic impact, which necessitates prompt and thorough monitoring and control of their state. However, the current methodology for the inventory of public green spaces is methodologically outdated long ago and does not take into account the modern techniques of remote sensing and GIS technologies in the field of obtaining information about natural objects. The article substantiates a new approach, which consists in using freely distributed remote sensing data to obtain information about the location and main ecological characteristics of trees that are part of urban public greening. A schematic diagram of the inventory of public green spaces using Earth remote sensing materials is presented. Requirements for map symbols used on digital maps of public green spaces are formulated. The symbols developed taking into account the existing system of symbols for large-scale topographic maps are given. The advantages and disadvantages of the developed system, and the corrections made to it, are noted. Fragments of created digital maps of public green spaces are presented. The landscaping of streets and highways in Novosibisk and Yakutsk and a park in Novosibirsk were assessed and mapped. The spatial position of city trees and the main types of disturbance in their condition (the presence of multi-stems, dead stems and branches, damaged crowns, etc.) were determined. The results showed the consistency of the proposed approach for operational environmental assessment and mapping of linear green spaces. When studying and mapping areal urban plantings, it is advisable to provide for an additional survey with the help of unmanned aerial vehicles to control thickened tall vegetation. Thus, the proposed approach minimizes field surveys of the territory, which significantly saves time and costs for an inventory of public green spaces.
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For citation: Vasilieva E.A., Nikolaeva O.N., Trubina L.K. A case-study of tree inventory and mapping of public green spaces. InterCarto. InterGIS. Moscow: MSU, Faculty of Geography, 2021. V. 27. Part 3. P. 274–284. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2021-3-27-274-284 (in Russian)