QGIS processing tool for spatial data detail assessment

DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2021-2-27-268-279

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About the Authors

Olga P. Yakimova

Demidov Yaroslavl State University,
Soyuznaya str., 144, 150008, Yaroslavl, Russia;
E-mail: polya@uniyar.ac.ru

Timofey E. Samsonov

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography,
Leninskie gory 1, 119991, Moscow, Russia;
E-mail: tsamsonov@geogr.msu.ru

Daniil A. Potemkin

Demidov Yaroslavl State University,
Soyuznaya str., 144, 150008, Yaroslavl, Russia;
E-mail: daniilpot@yandex.ru

Elina Usmanova

Technical University of Berlin,
Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 104-106, 10553, Berlin, Germany;
E-mail: elina-usmanova-97@mail.ru


The article is devoted to the problem of evaluating the detailing of spatial data. In geoinformatics, spatial data detailing determines how detailed a particular object is representeda map image, and the detail score allows you to analyze the permissible accuracy of spatial objects for a specific user task. An approach to the definition of detailing concept is proposed. The evaluation of the object’s detail depends on its characteristics: geometric, semantic, and topological. A study is being conducted to select the geometric characteristics of the object that reflect its detail. For linear objects, in addition to the characteristics of the line as a whole (length, number of points, sinuosity, average rotation angle), it is suggested to consider its smaller details, such as bends and triplets. A bend is a section of a line where the angle of rotation retains its sign. A triplet is a combination of three consecutive points. Based on the results of the study, the geometric characteristics that change in the trend depending on the scale were selected.

The paper presents the developed software for assessing map detail—the MapAnalyser toolbar for the QGIS geoinformation system. The functional capabilities of the developed software are described. The toolbar allows you to get the geometric, semantic, and topological characteristics of a layer or set of layers, as well as to evaluate the graphical complexity of a map image based on RlE encoding. The program code is written in the PyQGIS language. The software has passed state registration and is hosted on the github server. With its help, new results were obtained on the evaluation of spatial data granularity.

New software, embedded in QgIS, to assess the detail of the map and spatial data, based on taking into account geometric and symbolic (used in the display) parameters. The software allows to calculate the metrics of spatial data detail, as well as to assess the complexity of the cartographic image. It’s can be used in the integration of data obtained from different sources, assess the compliance of data detail and the map scale, to assess the complexity of the map for different purposes and scales.


spatial data detail, geographic information system, processing tool


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For citation: Yakimova O.P., Samsonov T.E., Potemkin D.A., Usmanova E. QGIS processing tool for spatial data detail assessment. InterCarto. InterGIS. Moscow: MSU, Faculty of Geography, 2021. V. 27. Part 2. P. 268–279. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2021-2-27-268-279 (in Russian)