Methodology for determining the landscape potential for the development of recreational environmental use (on the example of the urban district of the Kislovodsk resort city)

DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2021-1-27-126-140

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About the Authors

Natalia V. Verozub

North-Caucasus Federal University,
1, Pushkin Street, Stavropol, 355017, Russia;

Vitaly S. Proskurin

North-Caucasus Federal University,
1, Pushkin Street, Stavropol, 355017, Russia;

Rakim K. Makhmudov

North-Caucasus Federal University,
1, Pushkin Street, Stavropol, 355017, Russia;


The article presents the results of determining the landscape potential (hereinafter—LP) of the territory on the example of the urban district of the resort city of Kislovodsk. The work on the identification of new promising areas for the development of recreation is presented in three stages: the identification of areas with the highest integral points of recreational potential, the identification of areas with the highest integral points of resistance to recreational loads, the total assessment of landscape potential and the calculation of the recreational capacity of natural complexes. The method of determining the recreational potential of the territory is based on the point classification of territorial units using program the Quantum GIS for several parameters of one indicator: contrast and expressiveness of the terrain (vertical and horizontal dissection of the terrain), mosaic landscape (type of vegetation cover, its seasonal dynamics and color scheme), the number of water bodies (length of the riverbed, the area of the water mirror, the number of mineral springs). The determination of the stability of natural complexes was carried out according to the following indicators: morphometry of the terrain (steepness of slopes, density of vertical dissection), intensity of exogenous processes, species composition of vegetation cover, the degree of anthropogenic variability of the landscape. According to the obtained data of the integrated assessment, the conclusion is made about the most promising territories for improvement and inclusion in the development plans of the city district. In addition, for the territories planned for use, the indicator of recreational capacity (the permissible one-time number of people) is calculated. The results of the work carried out are the justification of the relevant thematic sections in the territorial planning documents, in particular, the general plan of the city district and the master plan for the development of the tourist territory.


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For citation: Verozub N.V., Proskurin V.S., Makhmudov R.K. Methodology for determining the landscape potential for the development of recreational environmental use (on the example of the urban district of the Kislovodsk resort city). InterCarto. InterGIS. Moscow: MSU, Faculty of Geography, 2021. V. 27. Part 1. P. 126–140. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2021-1-27-126-140 (in Russian)