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About the Authors
Robert V. Maghlakelidze
Chavchavadze Ave, 3, 0179, Tbilisi, Georgia,
Tengiz P. Gordeziani
Chavchavadze Ave, 3, 0179, Tbilisi, Georgia,
Neli Sh. Jamaspishvili
Chavchavadze Ave, 3, 0179, Tbilisi, Georgia,
Manana D. Sharashenidze
Chavchavadze Ave, 3, 0179, Tbilisi, Georgia,
Martkopi Physical-Geographical station is more than half a century (50 years). This station was founded by the initiative of the head of the Department of Physical Geography, Tbilisi State University M.S. Saneblidze. A place (30 km North-East of Tbilisi) was chosen in 1962. In 1963, 3 buildings were built (the fourth was built in 1967), and on May 20, 1965 constant meteorological observations were started. During the first stage of research, in addition to meteorological observations, comprehensive physical and geographical studies of the surroundings of the Martkopi station (the Yalno ridge and adjacent territories) were carried out, and a detailed landscape map of this territory was compiled (on a scale of 1 : 25 000). In 1969, studies of the structure and functioning of the landscapes of the station environs were began. However, basically, these studies were carried out according to the methodology of biogeocenological and ecological stations.
As the beginning of the “golden period” of researches at station considered to be May 20, 1971, when a new research program was adopted. This program allowed to take 5000–6000 readings during the day throughout the year, on the basis of which it was possible to get an idea of more than 100 parameters characterizing the daily state of the structure and functioning of natural-territorial complexes (NTC). The results of these studies were published in the bulletins “Observations and studies at the Martkopi station” (1973–1975). It is from this period that multicomponent studies begin, both of the structure and functioning, and of the states of the NTC.
The Martkopi physico-geographical station and established on its basis the Research Laboratory for the Study of Environmental Conditions by Aerospace Methods at the Tbilisi State University in 1979, became the center of the study of the mountain geosystems’ conditions using the example of Caucasus. In this period, under the leadership of N.L. Beruchashvili was created the first expert geographic information system based on a computer and thus laid the foundation for the creation of the multicomponent working geographic system of the Martkopi physico-geographical station.
- Beruchashvili N.L. Ethology of the landscape and mapping of environmental conditions. Tbilisi: TSU, 1989. 198 p. (in Russian).
- Beruchashvili N.L. From geographic station to monitoring stations and geo-expert laboratories. Geography and Natural Resources, 1990. No 3. P. 5–12 (in Russian).
- Beruchashvili N.L. Geophysics of the landscape. Moscow: Higher school, 1990. 287 p. (in Russian).
- Beruchashvili N.L. Landscape practice at the Martkopi Station. Tbilisi: TSU, 1993 (in Georgian).
- Issues of studying environmental conditions. Tbilisi: TSU, 1982. 118 p. (in Russian).
- Jamaspashvili N.Sh. Geoinformation system of the Martkopi station. Tbilisi: TSU; a) graduate work, 1990, 68 p.; b) electronic version, 1992 (in Russian).
- Landscape collection. Tbilisi: TSU, 1972. 112 p. (in Georgian).
- Landscape research at the Martkopi Station. Assisted by J.-L. Mathieu. Tbilisi: TSU, 1976. 50 p. (in Russian).
- Les recherché sur les Geosistemes dans la station de Martkopi. Assisted by J.-L. Mathieu. 1976. 50 p. (in French).
- Observations and studies at the Martkopi Stationl. Landscape-geophysical studies in 1973. Tbilisi: TSU, 1974. 32 p. (in total 5 collections were published in 1973–75) (in Russian).
- Stationary research: what did they give? Tbilisi: TSU. 1987, 306 p. (in Russian).
For citation: Maghlakelidze R.V., Gordeziani T.P., Jamaspishvili N.Sh., Sharashenidze M.D. Geoinformation system of the Martkopi station: communications and prospects. InterCarto. InterGIS. GI support of sustainable development of territories: Proceedings of the International conference. Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2020. V. 26. Part 4. P. 358–370. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2020-4-26-358-370 (in Russian)