GI support of geological exploration of non-ferrous metal ore deposits

DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2020-2-26-120-136

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About the Authors

Аlesger А. Mammedov

Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies,
Plakhotny str., 10, 630108, Novosibirsk, Russia,

Shahbeddin D. Musaev

“AzerGold” Closed Joint-Stock Company,
Mikail Mushvig, 2Н, 350040, Baku, The Republic of Azerbaijan,

Yaroslava G. Poshivaylo

Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies,
Plakhotny str., 10, 630108, Novosibirsk, Russia,

Grigory S. Fedotov

National University of Science and Technology “MISiS”,
Leninsky Ave, 4, 119991, Моscow, Russia


Geoinformation technologies are applied, without exaggeration, in all spheres of human activity, and the geological industry is no exception. Geoinformation systems in geology help to solve a number of practical problems. Geologists specializing in mineral exploration use a variety of data sets to search for new, cost-effective deposits, from geological maps, hyperspectral aerial photographs and multispectral satellite imagery to databases of various formats. The geographic information system is an ideal platform for combining such heterogeneous information and its subsequent analysis.

The article describes the experience of the national mining company of the Republic of Azerbaijan CJSC AzerGold in the use of geographic information systems in the exploration of non-ferrous metal deposits using the example of the development of the Filizchay and Aghyokhush deposits. The authors considered production problems, described the problems that arise at the stage of exploration and proposed methods for solving them, the need for the integrated use of information systems in exploration when searching for deposits of non-ferrous metals is noted. A database structure has been developed for the purpose of geological exploration of non-ferrous metal ores, including sections such as topography, geochemistry, geophysics, structural geology. The structure of geoinformation support for geological exploration of non-ferrous metal ores is proposed, which combines the functionality of geographic information systems (GIS) and mining geological information systems (MGIS).

The stages of geoinformation processing of initial data are illustrated, on the basis of which a geological exploration strategy was formed at the Filizchay pyrite-polymetallic deposit, and then the optimal places and number of wells, coordinates, directions and angles of incidence of wells were determined quickly and with high accuracy, as well as the resource potential was specified. The role of interpolation methods in determining the primary exploration wells in the exploration of the Agyokhush gold deposit is disclosed.


geoinformation systems, mining geological information systems, digital map, database, wireframe deposit model


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For citation: Mammedov А.А., Musaev Sh.D., Poshivaylo Ya.G., Fedotov G.S. GI support of geological exploration of non-ferrous metal ore deposits. InterCarto. InterGIS. GI support of sustainable development of territories: Proceedings of the International conference. Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2020. V. 26. Part 2. P. 120–136. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2020-2-26-120-136 (in Russian)