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About the Authors
Julia F. Zolnikova
Pushkin str., 1, 355000, Stavropol, Russia;
Eugeni I. Ovsyannikov
Pushkin str., 1, 355000, Stavropol, Russia;
Ivan A. Soloviev
Pushkin str., 1, 355000, Stavropol, Russia;
The authors pointed out that the rapid growth of technical supply and the emergence of new information and communication technologies has led to the common usage of new technologies towards the various functions and needs of higher education. A university graduate should have the skills to develop and use information systems for decision support as a basic framework for analyzing unfolding situations, developing informed decisions and as a result — problem-solving. The connecting link for professional skills development appears as a GIS technology usage. GIS provide unique opportunities for its implementation in educational programs putting in touch with forecasting and analysis of the phenomena of the world around us; there are comprehension and allocation of the main causes and factors, possible consequences, with subsequent planning and adoption of strategic decisions of the actions taken. Geoinformation technologies can change the content of activities for both teachers and students. GIS technologies allow to master the methods of data gathering and processing; development of models and forecasts for specific geographical problem-solving. Students, using GIS, unaidedly obtain data, absorb new methods of data processing, receive best practices for working in various fields. The article gives a description and analyzes of the GIS usage for studying the course “Population geography with the demography basics”. The GIS usage for studying the course “Population geography with the demography basics” allows to significantly diversify the methods and forms of laboratory studies, student’s research work. In the course of work with GIS, a geographer comprehends the features of spatial data presented in digital form, analyzes geographic data, presents geographic data in the form of maps, tables, graphs.
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For citation: Zolnikova J.F., Ovsyannikov Eu.I., Soloviev I.A. Geoinformation support of the academic discipline “Geography of the population with the basics of demography”. InterCarto. InterGIS. GI support of sustainable development of territories: Proceedings of the International conference. Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2020. V. 26. Part 1. P. 279–288. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2020-1-26-279-288 (in Russian)