Current tasks of conservation of major integral mountain forest geosystems of the Kamchatka in the context of practical use of geoconcept of wilderness

DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2019-2-25-309-320

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About the Authors

Vladimir N. Bocharnikov

Pacific Institute of Geography of the Far eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
690041, Vladivostok, Radio st. 7, Russia,

Vadim Ye. Kirichenko

Kamchatka Branch of Pacific Institute of Geography of the Far eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Partizanskaya st. 6, Russia

Yury N. Gerasimov

Kamchatka Branch of Pacific Institute of Geography of the Far eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Partizanskaya st. 6, Russia


Geography is one of the most time-tested tools of human knowledge of the natural environment. This science makes it possible to create a system of knowledge that provides a visual character of identifying the relationships between the results of human labor, changes in the natural environment, transformations of economic and social interests of society. Man using the tools of modern geography acts as an internal “observer” of nature, thanks to its specific, evolutionarily evolving over the millennia, the system of perception, and on this basis, there is a fundamentally meaningful extraction of information about the world and about the man himself. Geography is capable of representing the “non-obvious” through a kind of expression and systematic marking of the physical world, presenting their elements in their designs and metaphors, in the formation of the geographical picture of the world. The article presents the results of the original assessment of the current state of Kamchatka ecosystems, based on the territorial calculation of the degree of anthropogenic disturbance of natural landscapes. Based on the use of GIS technologies, the calculation and visualization of the wilderness index are made, new data on the degree of preservation of the main groups of landscape types are obtained, as well as the actual share of preserved natural ecosystems in the Federal and regional protected areas of the Kamchatka territory is given. The brief characteristics of the six largest “off-road” wilderness areas of Kamchatka are made, their importance as habitats of the main species of hunting animals is discussed, recreational and environmental values of these territories are highlighted.


wilderness, mountain forest ecosystems, natural landscapes, GIS, wildlife habitats


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For citation: Bocharnikov V.N., Kirichenko V.Ye., Gerasimov Yu.N. Current tasks of conservation of major integral mountain forest geosystems of the Kamchatka in the context of practical use of geoconcept of wilderness. InterCarto. InterGIS. GI support of sustainable development of territories: Proceedings of the International conference. Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2019. V. 25. Part 2. P. 309–320. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2019-2-25-309-320 (in Russian)