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About the Authors
Marina Yu. Aksenova
Lenin Square., 4/5, 432063, Ulyanovsk, Russia,
Elmira F. Miftyakova
Lenin Square., 4/5, 432063, Ulyanovsk, Russia,
In connection with the reduction of cognitive interest among learners to study geography, information and communication technologies are called upon to help in solving this problem. At a modern lesson of geography important is a maintenance of process of studying of geography the sound moments and a visual row, such combination of means of education promotes creation of effective productive educational activity. Information and communication learning tools are the main learning tools in the classroom, and the teacher is designed to organize learning activities with learning tools in the classroom and after school hours. Use of information and communication technologies helps the teacher to organize activity of pupils with various sources of information: Internet resources, electronic educational resources which make a basis of components of educational activity: motivational, operational and technical and control and estimated. At lessons of geography it is possible to use the following electronic educational resources: electronic textbooks; electronic collections of additional and evident materials to lessons (posters, interactive maps, schemes, illustrations); multimedia educational presentations; electronic control and measuring materials (KIMY); electronic files tasks; databases of educational appointment (encyclopedias, reference books, dictionaries, glossaries, exercise machines, games); catalogs of the digital educational resources (DER); audiobooks and digital videos; digital photo albums, photo galleries, virtual excursions. The electronic textbook includes animation, audio fragments, video fragments and also interactive maps; the main destination of this textbook consists in demonstration of training materials. Software of control and correction of knowledge allow to process quickly and objectively received results. Using the test constructor, the necessary verification tasks on various topics of the course are compiled. The choice of information and communication tutorials for a lesson of geography is carried out taking into account goals and tasks, the maintenance of a training material, the used methods of training at each stage of educational activity.
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For citation: Aksenova M.Yu., Miftyakova E.F. Pedagogical opportunities of information and communication technologies at lessons of geography. InterCarto. InterGIS. GI support of sustainable development of territories: Proceedings of the International conference. Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2019. V. 25. Part 2. P. 297–308. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2019-2-25-297-308 (in Russian)