Features of development of geolocation applications for mobile devices with the help of framework React Native

DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2019-1-25-414-422

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About the Author

Zholdasbek Е. Temirgaliyev

KIMEP University,
Masanchi str., 56, 0500012, Almaty, Kazakhstan,
E-mail: tzhe@yandex.ru


Geoinformation applications of different practice and research are one of the mandatory requirements. A rapid development of mobile technologies leads to using a mobile device not as an entertainment tool but also as a production tool. One of the examples of application is geoinformation applications.

Almost in every smartphone, there is a GPS receiver and somewhere a GLONASS receiver. With the help of data receivers, users track their position, calculate a distance between points, plot a route or find a required object on a map. In order to gain the most from these technologies, there should be appropriate software for certain mobile platform. The most popular mobile platforms are iOS from Apple and Android from Google. Together they occupy 99 % of the mobile OS market.

Both iOS and Android mobile OS have their application-programming interface (API). Using these API developers access different sensors and receivers of a mobile device, GPS receiver in particular. The most smartphones have preinstalled geoinformation software like Apple Maps on iOS devices and Google Maps on Android devices. But these applications have only basic functionality, so to implement specific software we need to hire developers. Given the differences between the two operating systems, often need individual specialists for development for iOS and Android with high pay. And this causes a big budget for development.

In this article, we consider using React Native framework for mobile development. This framework uses JavaScript programming language and can provide application development for both iOS and Android platforms. JavaScript programming language is very popular among web-developers, and there are not any barriers to hiring a developer with a suitable salary. So, using React Native we can reduce the budget for mobile geoinformation application development.


cartography, mobile applications, geoinformation applications, React Native


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For citation: Temirgaliyev Zh.E. Features of development of geolocation applications for mobile devices with the help of framework React Native. InterCarto. InterGIS. GI support of sustainable development of territories: Proceedings of the International conference. Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2019. V. 25. Part 1. P. 414–422. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2019-1-25-414-422 (in Russian)