Experience in the development of geographic information systems for the management of sustainable development of the Vologda Region

DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2019-1-25-189-196

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About the Authors

Anatoliy V. Belyy

Vologda state University,
Lenina str., 15, 160000, Vologda, Russia,
E-mail: bely.epir@yandex.ru

Yuriy P. Popov

Vologda state University,
Lenina str., 15, 160000, Vologda, Russia,
E-mail: cyraxxenos@mail.ru


The experience and analysis of the application of regional geographic information systems (GIS) is considered. The aspects of modern requirements for the development of GIS in conditions of high resource intensity and mass informatization of management in economic activity in the region of the Vologda Region are considered.

The current practice of research, design and organization of facilities using natural resources potential, including the urban environment, requires the development, use and improvement of GIS technologies.

The results of the author’s own developments of digital products of thematic mapping are shown on the examples of thematic maps dealing with solid municipal waste (SMW) of the Vologda Region.

Technological features of filling of thematic layers of GIS are accented. The estimation of sufficiency and reliability of data on waste disposal sites in the Vologda region included in the regional cadastre of waste, data of the state register of waste disposal sites, their registration numbers and location information (geographical coordinates: latitude and longitude), grouped by municipal areas. The information from the database of the territorial agency of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Vologda Region is estimated.

Attention is drawn to the problems revealed during the practical implementation of thematic mapping technology. The main directions for expanding the use of maps based on remote sensing of land and organization of studies with the purpose of obtaining values of marker reflectivity indicators of objects characteristic for this type of landscape in a particular region are formulated.

Prospects for further application of GIS technologies in the Vologda Region are considered, proceeding from the solution of the tasks set by the program of the Information Society.


GIS, sustainable development, spatial data base, environmental protection, urban environment


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For citation: Belyy A.V., Popov Yu.P. Experience in the development of geographic information systems for the management of sustainable development of the Vologda Region. InterCarto. InterGIS. GI support of sustainable development of territories: Proceedings of the International conference. Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2019. V. 25. Part 1. P. 189–196. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2019-1-25-189-196 (in Russian)