DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2018-2-24-385-395

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About the Authors

Maria S. Baranova

Volzhsky branch of federal state autonomous educational institution of higher education “Volgograd State University”,
40 Let Pobedy str., 11, 404133, Volzhsky city, Volgograd region, Russia,

Oleg V. Filippov

Volzhsky branch of federal state autonomous educational institution of higher education “Volgograd State University”,
40 Let Pobedy str., 11, 404133, Volzhsky city, Volgograd region, Russia,

Anna I. Kochetkova

Volzhsky branch of federal state autonomous educational institution of higher education “Volgograd State University”,
40 Let Pobedy str., 11, 404133, Volzhsky city, Volgograd region, Russia,

Elena S. Bryzgalina

Volzhsky branch of federal state autonomous educational institution of higher education “Volgograd State University”,
40 Let Pobedy str., 11, 404133, Volzhsky city, Volgograd region, Russia,


One of the most active for the Volgograd reservoir is becoming the process of destroying of coasts and derivatives processes of along the coast transport and the sedimentation of a products of destruction. The process of formation of abrasion-accumulation jumpers in the entrance gates of its bays is actively continuing. Therefore, it is necessary to compile and systematize data about a reservoir bays. This data is most effectively keeps in the attributive database in the geoinformation system. In the course of this research, a polygonal vector layer of the reservoir bays was created using imagery of Google Earth. After its creation the attributive table was filled. It contents the following fields: the name of the bay, the coast, the distance from the dam of the Volzhskaya HPP, the region of the reservoir, the date of the image Google Earth, on which the linear measurements were carried out and the calculation of the area values, the width of the bay in the entrance gates, the width of the abrasion-accumulative shallow of the bay, the length abrasion-accumulative jumper, the length (extent) of the bay, the presence of a connection with the reservoir, watercourses, flowing into the bay, the area of the bay; as well as for the bays in the entrance gates where the abrasion-accumulation jumpers were completely formed,—the width of the jumper, the year to which the jumper in the entrance gates was formed. Terms of the separation of the bays were determined by the mosaics of satellite images Landsat 5, Landsat 7 and Landsat 8 from 1986–2016, the remaining linear and area parameters were measured, or calculated from the images of Google Earth 2010–2017. The polygonal vector layer of the bays was translated into a point one. The analysis of statistical characteristics of the bays, including the standard deviation, dispersion and the coefficient of variation, is carried out.


Volgograd reservoir, bays, attributive database, abrasion-accumulative jumpers, satellite data


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For citation: Baranova M.S., Filippov O.V., Kochetkova A.I., Bryzgalina E.S. ATTRIBUTIVE DATABASE OF BAYS OF THE VOLGOGRAD RESERVOIR. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2018;24(2):385–395 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2018-2-24-385-395 (in Russian)