DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2018-2-24-292-305

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About the Authors

Pavel V. Vasilev

Lomonosov Moscow State University,
1 Leninskie Gory, 119991, Moscow, Russia,

Sergey V. Chistov

Lomonosov Moscow State University,
1 Leninskie Gory, 119991, Moscow, Russia,

Evgenyi A. Kriksunov

Lomonosov Moscow State University,
1 Leninskie Gory, 119991, Moscow, Russia,

Alexander E. Bobyrev

A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution,
33 Leninskij prosp., 119071, Moscow, Russia,


An experimental methodology is designed for map series construction where maps represent the abundance of commercial fish species in Pskov Lake estimated using data from trawl surveys. Over the last 15 years, for each survey (which are usually conducted in the first or the second half of vegetation season), vessel coordinates at the starting and ending points of linear trawling transects are registered as a vessel tows a tra wl with given velocity.

Cartographic modeling of spatial-temporal dynamics of several fish species from Pskov Lake has been conducted on the basis of the specialized GIS-project. Considered are 2003, 2006, and 2008 years, which differ in water discharge level. Given the resulting data, an attempt has been made to reveal the relationships between fish spatial distribution (of those species present in experimental trawl catch: perch, bream, zander, roach, pike, ruff, and white bream) and gradients of those factors influencing their behavior and movements (temperature, water level, depth). The estimates of fish population density in different lake zones are obtained, and the size of areas with different density of fish aggregations is calculated. For instance, in 2003 (which is characterized by medium water discharge level) fish aggregations of high density occupied an area of 28.57 km2, in 2006 (low water discharge)—only 12.46 km², while in 2008 (high water discharge)—56.41 km². In addition, the contingency in spatial distribution of fish species connected by "predator—prey" relations is analyzed.

By the results of approbation of the mapping technique developed, the following patterns are revealed in forming of water areas with high fish density: 1. In high-water years, the density of fish aggregations increase as well as the total area occupied by them. In such years, aggregations are formed in the central part of the lake. In low-water years they shift towards coastal areas including river mouths and deltas. 2. In Pskov Lake, the predominant depth of those areas occupied by fish aggregations is about 4.1–4.6 m. With water level increasing, dense aggregations move to areas of greater depth. 3. Fish aggregations predominantly form on those areas where surface water temperature is approximately equal to or lower than mean overall value.

For some fish species, the relationships between aggregations density and hydrological conditions are not detectable, probably because of few hydrological or hydrochemical traits included in the analysis. It is to be expected that introducing more data of monitoring observations along with data from remote sensing (as additional source of information on aquatic conditions) would significantly expand the possibilities for complex studies of dynamic regimes of separate ecosystem components as well as the lake biotic community as a whole.


cartography, modeling, population dynamics, fish, Pskov Lake


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For citation: Vasilev P.V., Chistov S.V., Kriksunov E.A., Bobyrev A.E. CARTOGRAPHIC MODELING OF SPATIAL-TEMPORAL DYNAMICS OF FISH POPULATIONS FROM PSKOV LAKE. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2018;24(2):292–305 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2018-2-24-292-305 (in Russian)