DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2018-2-24-18-26

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About the Author

Valentina I. Kravtsova

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography,
Leninskie Gory, 1, 119991, Moscow, Russia,


The new edition of Ecological atlas of Russia (2017) is rigged with satellite images which helps to decide the main goal of atlas—to show the recent ecological situation at Russia territory, to discover diversity of nature and society connections, using accessible means of visualization. Including of satellite images into atlas caused with the obstacle that they impartiality show the recent stage of nature and reflect unfavorable anthropogenic impact to all mediums—air pollution and water contamination, disturbing and pollution of earth surface, its vegetation cover. Materials of satellite survey have been shown in atlas in different form and with various goals. Four tasks directions of satellite information applying may be named. The first of them includes satellite images, processed and transformed into photomaps of various thematic content. They represent in atlas at rules of maps (as well as thematic maps compiled by satellite images). Such are materials for the whole world (lights at the Earth) and the territory of Russia, for which the atlas contents: photomaps of its surface stage in winter and summer seasons; photomaps of land cover; vegetation cover; exponent “vegetation index” NDVI and its seasonal changes, using for estimation of geosystems productivity. The second group consist of images, using as addition to maps for visualization of mapped objects. They play important role for better understanding of some traditional maps. So images show characteristic oblique of different landscapes in accuracy corresponding with legend of the landscapes map. Such addition especially important for so exponent as soil cover structure: their names in legend does not let to represent these structures in space, but satellite images carry out this task. The third group includes images, which reflect influence of economics activity to environment—contamination of water and air, destruction and pollution of earth surface, especially under minerals exploration. And at least the fourth group consists of images, which shows sad results of anthropogenic impact, at first in industry towns. Industrial towns of the North regions, ecologically the most vulnerable, have been especially distinguished. The last two groups are the most numerous and multiform due to their grate importance.


satellite images, reflection, visualization, anthropogenic impact, ecological problems


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For citation: Kravtsova V.I. SATELLITE IMAGES IN ECOLOGICAL ATLAS OF RUSSIA. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2018;24(2):18–26 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2018-2-24-18-26 (in Russian)