DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2018-1-24-562-567

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About the Authors

Olga S. Romanova

S.I. Vavilov Institute for the History of Sciences and Technology Russian Academy of Sciences,
Baltiyskaya str., 14, 125315, Moscow, Russia,

Olga A. Lazebnik

Sant-Peterburg State University,
Universitetskaya nab., 7/9, 199034, St. Petersburg, Russia,


The article report the development of an electronic collection of maps of Yakutia, a vast region in the North-East of the Russian Federation, in the spatial study of which there are many "white spots". The creation of the collection is based on examples of popular electronic collections of old maps in the public domain of the Russian state library, the Russian national library, the Russian geographical society, the State historical Museum, as well as a number of regional domestic and foreign projects. The collection, which includes a multidimensional database, covers printed and handwritten plans, maps, atlases, and also involves documents from the collections of the Russian state military historical archive, the Russian state archive of ancient acts, the Russian state archive of the Navy, the St. Petersburg branch of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian state historical archive, the Archive of foreign policy of the Russian Empire, the national archive of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the Archive of the Russian Geographical society. The development of the collection is of a research nature, aims at both systematization of known cartographic materials and obtaining new information about the mapping of the region. The structure of the collection highlights the periods: the initial period of mapping (to the beginning of the XVIII century); time of naval campaigns, state and academic expeditions, which gave the first images of the Northern coast and main rivers on the basis of instrumental observations (XVIII—early XIX centuries.); time of rare topographic surveys of the interior spaces as a part of various expeditions and surveys and creation of overview General geographic maps (XIX—beginning of XX centuries). The collection shows the historical path of the spatial study of the region and the evolution of the cartographic image from the review-hypothetical representations of the XVII century to geographically accurate maps of the first quarter of the XX centuries, based on instrumental observations, the data of numerous expeditions, departmental surveys.


old maps, electronic collection of maps, cartographic heritage, Yakutia


  1. Sviridenko S.V. The role of virtual exhibitions in the promotion of cartographic materials of the Russian national library. Geodesy, cartography, Geoinformatics and cadastre. Materials of the II Intern. Science.-prakt. Conf. 8–10 November 2017, St. Petersburg. SPb.: Polytechnic, 2017. P. 371–379 (in Russian).

For citation: Romanova O.S., Lazebnik O.A. THE STRUCTURE AND CONTENT OF DIGITAL MAPS COLLECTION OF YAKUTIA (XVII–BEGINNING OF XX CENTURIES). Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2018;24(1):562–567 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2018-1-24-562-567 (in Russian)