DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2018-1-24-310-320

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About the Authors

Boris I. Kochurov

Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences,
29 Staromonetny per., 119017, Moscow, Russia,
E-mail: info@ecoregion.ru

Alexander Yu. Karandeev

Pyotr Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky Lipetsk State Pedagogical University,
42 Lenin str., 398020, Lipetsk, Russia,
E-mail: aykarandeev@gmail.com


This article represents applying vector fishnet GIS analysis in urban geoecological assessment and mapping based on information that are collected in geoecological data infrastructure. As a basis for geoecological assessment, authors propose geoecosociosystem conception that claims a balance between economic development and ecological improvement as a tool for sustainable development. The algorithm of assessment can be split on a few analytics flows and related key research. Points assessment method was chosen by authors for geoecological assessment. Points from 0 to 10 for each characters was summing with weight coefficient. Final result is sum point that includes characters of ecological network, pollution of the environment and transformation of natural ecosystems. Authors propose a formula for point’s calculation of cell (tile) characteristics, list of characteristics and other aspects of fishnet GIS analysis. For research was chosen an area of Lipetsk city and its suburbs. The prototype of geoecological data infrastructure was built on information about ecological network, history of city development and open spatial basic data and ecological data. The area was covered by vector fishnet with 50 × 50 meter cells. For each cell was calculate a point of anthropogenic transformation of cell’s area, distance to streets, which split to 3 categories: main, secondary and unpaved, distance to sources of atmosphere emissions, distant to industry area, distance to natural protected area and distance to elements of ecological network. 68.78 % (120,400 ha) of the area has satisfactory geoecological condition, 21.74 % (38,000 ha) has good condition and 9.48 % (16,600 ha) has poor geoecological condition.


ecological assessment, geoecological assessment, geoinformation system, data infrastructure, fishnet analysis


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For citation: Kochurov B.I., Karandeev A.Yu. URBAN SPACE GEOECOLOGICAL MAPPING AND ASSESSMENT WITH VECTOR FISHNET GIS ANALYSIS. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2018;24(1):310–320 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2018-1-24-310-320 (in Russian)