DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-3-23-283-293

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About the Authors

A. M. Saraeva

Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev
Russian Federation

Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Geography;

302026, Orel, Komsomolskaya st 95

L. V. Sukhanov

Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev
Russian Federation

Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Geography;

302026, Orel, Komsomolskaya st 95


The article deals with the features of the spatial representation of the location of objects and phenomena on the Earth. One of the types of “cartographic representation” is modeling on the contour map. The advantages of the method are revealed. The application of modeling techniques that allows one to include ethnogeographic data in the content of the characteristics of the territory and reflect them on the contour map. The basis of ethnogeographic modeling is the identification and creation of elements of the material and spiritual culture of peoples by means of conventional signs. Comparison of these elements, their superimposition with respect to each other, as well as their comparison with geographic maps allow us to determine the interrelations and the dependence of the phenomenon. Modeling on contour maps is the basic method of learning in geography. On the one hand, it creates a cartographic image of the studied territory, and on the other hand it facilitates the creation of “visual supports” on the map.

Modeling on contour maps, at the beginning students put the basic geographical names, which will serve as the basic knowledge. Then, by purposefully analyzing and comparing the thematic maps of the atlas or textbook, the students reflect specific ethno-geographical knowledge on contour maps. As a result, contour maps acquire “their own face”, and do not become a simple copy of maps of an atlas or textbook.

Also, the features of the effect of this technique on the formation of spatial representations about the studied object have been analyzed. Thanks to the cartographic model, one can maintain a constant cognitive interest in the material studied. Modeling on the contour map will allow one to present the structure of the links between the elements of the ethnogeographical material. The basis of ethnogeographic modeling on the contour map is the identification and mapping of elements of the material and spiritual culture of peoples. This position is favorable for the compilation of a complex ethnographic characterization of the territory. 


ethnogeography, material and spiritual culture, modeling


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For citation: Saraeva A.M., Sukhanov L.V. METHODS OF SIMULATION ON THE MAP OF ETHNOGEOGRAPHICAL KNOWLEDGE. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2017;23(3):283–293 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-3-23-283-293 (in Russian)