DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-2-23-219-228

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About the Author

O. V. Zenkin

Oil and Gas Technical Institute of Sakhalin State University
Russian Federation
693008, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Lenin st, 290


The major method used in this study is processing of data arrays in order to obtain statistical data. Statistical methods of research use the parameter of frequency to characterize the recurrence of events in time and space. Clearly, if a phenomenon (factor) is accompanied by other events, it is possible that it is somehow related with an event. It may be a cause of the event as well. In such a case, the event itself is treated as a consequence. Even by a cursory examination, it has been discovered that there is an undoubted connection between major earthquakes and some particular configurations of the planets, Moon and Sun, emerging on the celestial sphere, due to high frequency of both these events being present at the same time. Lunar and solar tides, earthquakes, parades of planets are those cosmic events whose impact is clearly obvious on Earth. However, parts of Earth’s surface where tides occur are involved in the complex movement caused by the rotations of Moon around Earth, Earth around its axis and Sun, and this complex movement is often not taken into account by the people who study earthquakes. Earth is involved in the motion of the gyroscopic type, which causes a wide range of different physical fields and influences, such as gyroscopic and Coriolis forces, centrifugal and centripetal forces, gravitational forces, moments of inertia, etc.

Tidal lunar impacts include such kinematic characteristics as kinetic moment, moment of forces, tidal forces, kinetic energy, etc. The subject of the article is calculation of these effects for points (sections) on the Earth spheroid’s surface in the coordinate system associated with center of Moon and Earth masses called barycenter. Various methods for calculating tidal lunar impacts can be used, depending on the chosen coordinate system and calculating method. In particular, the work presents the calculations of moments of forces relative to the axis (line) or the center (point).


kinetic moment, moment of force, ephemeris, barycenter, radial projection, orthogonal component


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For citation: Zenkin O.V. CALCULATION AND MAPPING OF TIDAL LUNAR IMPACTS ON THE EARTH SPHEROID. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2017;23(2):219–228 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-2-23-219-228 (in Russian)