DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-2-23-193-199

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About the Authors

A. N. Panin

M.V. Lomonosov Moscow state University
Russian Federation

Laboratory of Integrated Mapping, Faculty of Geography,

119991, Moscow, Leninskie Gory, 1

A. A. Cherkasov

North Caucasus Federal University
Russian Federation

Department of Social and Economic Geography, Geoinformatics and Tourism,

Stavropol, 355000, Stavropol, Pushkin st, 1

R. A. Prikhodko

North Caucasus Federal University
Russian Federation

Department of Social and Economic Geography, Geoinformatics and Tourism, Center for Strategic Territorial Planning,

355000, Stavropol, Pushkin st, 1

R. K. Makhmudov

North Caucasus Federal University
Russian Federation

Department of Social and Economic Geography, Geoinformatics and Tourism,

355000, Stavropol, Pushkin st, 1

I. V. Glushchenko

North Caucasus Federal University
Russian Federation

Department of Social and Economic Geography, Geoinformatics and Tourism,

355000, Stavropol, Pushkina 1


The adoption of the town planning code of the Russian Federation in 2004, started the modern stage of spatial planning in Russia at all administrative-territorial levels. Despite the fact that it was more than 12 years ago, the system of preparation documents of territorial planning and zoning has continued the path of improvement [Chistobaev, 2013]. Quite significant aspects of these documents preparation is related to the cartographic unit. Over the period there has been a qualitative shift in the preparation of the documents that is connected first of all with an increasing role of geographic information systems, and strengthening synchronization of documents of various administrative and territorial rank, including due to transition to a unified cartographic basis [Skaterschikov, 2007].

It is important to note that in the post-Soviet period, actually work on the documents of spatial planning in the country has conducted. Thus, the first stage after a significant break was characterized by misunderstandings on the part of authorities of “customer” role and significance of this document on the one hand, and the other, was associated with the shortage of specialists, which was simply not enough for large-scale operation in the country. These problems led to what in fact was complete absence of current methods and requirements for the formation of the documents. So the preparation of the graphic part was limited at best, issuing paper copies and receiving electronic copies of maps as raster images.

The second stage is characterized by a number of positive trends – first, the town planning code of the Russian Federation has undergone significant changes and second, there has been put into effect additional normative legal acts, guidelines governing the preparation of the documents related to the software shells, and meeting the needs of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography of the Russian Federation. Since the end of 2009 the team of authors have begun active work on the preparation of territorial planning documents. Overall, basing on normative-legal acts conceptual approaches to the cartographic documents of spatial planning in the Russian Federation have been worked out. 


territorial planning, mapping, GIS-technologies


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For citation: Panin A.N., Cherkasov A.A., Prikhodko R.A., Makhmudov R.K., Glushchenko I.V. CARTOGRAPHICAL-GEOINFORMATICAL SECURITY OF TERRITORIAL PLANNING IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2017;23(2):193–199 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-2-23-193-199 (in Russian)