DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-2-23-113-122

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About the Author

T. I. Konovalova

V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography SB RAS, Irkutsk State University
Russian Federation
1, Ulanbatorskaja st, 664033, Irkutsk


Knowledge of modern geosystems properties, regularities of their formation, and changes under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors is the basis for the timely prediction of adverse events occurring during the change of environment. Abstract review of the individual components and static Geosystems cannot bring substantive results in solving these problems. The situation is compounded by the need to study and map geosystems regions, which are characterized by tectonic activity and high dynamic processes. This makes it necessary to establish general principles of integrity and display the variability of the geosystems in the map legend, as rules for their cartographic interpretation. Currently, despite a significant amount of geological and geophysical data and landscape there are virtually no developments, dedicated to solving the problem of mapping geosystems such regions. Maps specificity is complex and consists in mapping geosystems, which are characterized by diverse genesis, different stages of development, in the synthesis of space and time into a single whole, the comparison of the current state of geosystems with the natural rhythms and patterns of development of the natural environment. These maps are a theoretical model of reality, a synthesized information on the functioning, dynamics and evolution of geosystems, the direction of their transformation, as in changing natural and anthropogenic conditions. In developing issues that are related to the multivariate analysis of the future state of geosystems, these maps are of high scientific and practical value. The present study offers modern geosystem mapping based on both the traditional route studies, and the use of of space images of the Earth. Methodology of geosystem mapping is associated with the implementation of synergetic approach and further development of the theory of geosystems of V. B. Sochava. The article considers the methodology of geosystems mapping based on the system principles of portraying an integral geographic object, its dynamics, sustainability and estimation of its future transformations, reflecting systemically important mechanisms. The article describes approaches for classification of geosystems that allow creating prognosis maps.


classification, explanatory pamphlet, direction of transformation, neotectonics, climate change


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For citation: Konovalova T.I. THE METHODOLOGY OF GEOSYSTEM MAPPING OF PHENOMENA OF THE NATURE TRANSFORMATION. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2017;23(2):113–122 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-2-23-113-122 (in Russian)