DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-2-23-89-103

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About the Authors

D. A. Dirin

Altai State University
Russian Federation
656049, Barnaul, Lenina ave, 61

E. P. Krupochkin

Altai State University
Russian Federation
656049, Barnaul, Lenina ave, 61

E. V. Rygalov

Altai State University
Russian Federation
656049, Barnaul, Lenina ave, 61


The article discusses the estimation of tourist-recreational potential of the steppe areas (TRP) using GIS-technologies. The technique of a complex estimation of TRP based on a scoring approach has been justified. Evaluation factors were selected using the expert approach. The method was tested on the example of the Kulunda steppe. The procedure for assessing and mapping the TRP site was carried out using the functional features of GIS MapInfo. Each evaluation factor has been presented as a separate map layer. Databases for each layer were presented in the form of attributive tables. To identify patterns of TRP spatial differentiation of the study area, it was divided into a regular network of territorial operating cells of hexagonal shape. The manifestation of all evaluation factors was calculated for each operating cell. After smooting the assessment results the vector map of Kulunda steppe TRP was compiled. Analysis of the map showed that the maximum TRP is typical for sites that are located close to lakes with reserves of therapeutic mud, and are provided with well-developed transport infrastructure and tourist accommodation facilities.

Based on the selected nuclei of the TRP concentration the system of close to eight tourist and recreational clusters with different specialization was designed. These clusters can be nodes of the supporting tourist-recreational skeleton of the Kulunda steppe. The analysis of territorial differentiation of TRP allowed use to substantiate recommendations for its improvement, including the upgrading of the transport network, the development of the key tourism infrastructure and the formation of tourist routes. 


tourist-recreational potential, GIS, geoinformation assessment, tourist-recreational cluster, Kulunda steppe


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For citation: Dirin D.A., Krupochkin E.P., Rygalov E.V. GIS-ASSESSMENT OF TOURIST-RECREATIONAL POTENTIAL OF STEPPE TERRITORIES (THE CASE STUDY OF KULUNDA STEPPE). Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2017;23(2):89–103 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-2-23-89-103 (in Russian)