DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-2-23-33-39

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About the Authors

E. N. Zhitova

Chuvash State University
Russian Federation
428015, Moskovskiy ave, 15, Cheboksary, Chuvash Respublic

O. A. Shlempa

Chuvash State University
Russian Federation
428015, Moskovskiy ave, 15, Cheboksary, Chuvash Respublic


The article deals with creation of a digital archaeological map of the Chuvash Republic as a basis for the protection, recording and promotion of the national heritage, as well as for eliminating the threats to this archaeological heritage. The archaeological heritage includes: kurgan burials and soil burial grounds, ancient town sites, type-sites, ancient settlements, stone pillars, gravestones, sanctuaries, etc. With this aim in view, a geo-information database which serves as the basis for the digital archaeological map of the Chuvash Republic is being created. The geodatabase is being formed in the MapInfo space. It includes a description of monuments of archeology which contains geographic (spatial) and attributive (descriptive) information. Creating the map the authors use cartographic products of various scales in order to cover archaeological heritage sites in its fullest possible manner. The main criterion for determining the scale of mapping the territory is the spatial location of archaeological heritage sites. The being created digital archaeological map of the Chuvash Republic contains 21 cartographic units. They reflect the republic municipalities on a scale of 1:10,000 and contain 3228 archaeological sites. The MapInfo space allows to use logical categories by dividing them into map layers which makes it possible to manipulate them both as a whole and as separate layers. A digital map of archaeological monuments will allow to solve tasks related to the preservation of the archaeological heritage of the Chuvash Republic and will create a database for a detailed study of the settlement system. The map will make it possible to carry out models of spatial distribution of archaeological sites to trace the anthropogenic transformation of landscapes during a historic period of time.


geo-information technologies, digital map, historical and cultural heritage, archaeological monuments, spatial position, geodatabase


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For citation: Zhitova E.N., Shlempa O.A. TECHNOLOGY OF CREATING A DIGITAL MAP OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES OF THE CHUVASH REPUBLIC. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2017;23(2):33–39 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-2-23-33-39 (in Russian)