DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2016-2-22-28-34

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About the Authors

A. M. Nosonov

Mordovian state university of N.P. Ogarev
Russian Federation

geographical faculty, chair of physical and social and economic geography, professor

Saransk, 430005, Russia

S. A. Teslenok

Mordovian state university of N.P. Ogarev
Russian Federation

geographical faculty, chair of geodesy, cartography and
geoinformatics, associate professor

Saransk, 430005, Russia

N. D. Kulikov

Mordovian state university of N.P. Ogarev
Russian Federation

economics faculty, chair of economy and organization of
production, professor

Saransk, 430005, Russia


Article is devoted to studying of innovation development of agricultural based on the use of GIS-technologies. Implemented design options and developed a specialized GIS database structure « Innovations in the Russian regions». For the analysis of diffusion of innovations in agricultural industry Monte Carlo methods and geoinformation technologies have been used. On the basis of the analysis of diffusion of innovations by means of these methods objective regularities of distribution of the innovations used in agricultural industry in the direction on the one hand from large scientific and technological centers with another – from areas of intensive agriculture on the peripheral territories mainly in east and northern parts of the European Russia, and also Siberia and the Far East are revealed. Use of methods of geoinformation modeling has allowed to conduct researches with creation and the analysis of different degree of complexity of geoinformationcartographic models of territorial systems of the regional level, and the innovative processes which are also happening in them for implementation of management of them and forecasting of development of regional innovation systems.


geoinformation modeling, GIS technologies, innovative development, agriculture


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For citation: Nosonov A.M., Teslenok S.A., Kulikov N.D. GEOINFORMATION MODELLING OF INNOVATION DEVELOPMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2016;22(2):28–34 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2016-2-22-28-34 (in Russian)