DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2016-1-22-233-245

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About the Authors

I. R. Idrisov

University of Tyumen Institute of Earth Science
Russian Federation

Department of Cartography and Geoinformation Systems

V. V. Kozin

University of Tyumen Institute of Earth Science
Russian Federation
Department of Physical Geography and Ecology

A. V. Marshinin

University of Tyumen Institute of Earth Science
Russian Federation

Department of Socio-Economical Geography and Nature Management

D. M. Marinskikh

University of Tyumen Institute of Earth Science
Russian Federation
Department of Physical Geography and Ecology


Landscape analysis is considered with the following items: 1) a synthetic layer integral physiographic information about the natural environment; 2) an information basis for mapping and evaluation components of landscapes; 3) a basis for the assessment of natural resource potential; 4) a tool for assessment of landscape-ecological potential (functions, services, values, stability); 5) a tool for identifying ecological network. The procedure of landscape analysis and structure of landscape information system for sustainable development is considered. The major methods is landscape classification and mapping. The classification of typological landscape complexes represents their typology based on the most important and common for this level of dimension features. The basic units of landscape mapping in mesoscale are the type of terrain (mesochores) and the type of urochishche (microchores). These landscape complexes were characterized based on collection of signs (geology, relief, permafrost, soil, vegetation etc.) using GIS. The evaluation of a landscape based on the concepts of landscape functions and services. The landscapes carry out resource functions (tree-resource, mushrooms, hunting-trade, pascual et al.) defining an economic value. The landscapes also fulfil nature protection (ecological) functions: habitat (biotop), climate protecting, water protecting, water storage, runoff regulative, permafrost-stabilizing etc. The assessment of landscapes stability is carried out. Integral assessment of ecological characteristics (landscape functions and services, nature protection value, resource value, stability) is the base for environmental constraints map.


landscape mapping, multi-scale mapping, landscape planning, environmental management, sustainable development


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For citation: Idrisov I.R., Kozin V.V., Marshinin A.V., Marinskikh D.M. MULTI-SCALE LANDSCAPE MAPPING OF THE TYUMEN REGION AS A GEOINFORMATION BASE FOR ORGANIZATION OF LANDSCAPE PLANNING, ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND REGIONAL SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2016;22(1):233–245 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2016-1-22-233-245 (in Russian)