Possibilities of a differentiated approach to assessment of water erosion soil loss in agricultural fields contaminated with radiocaesium (upper Oka basin)

DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2024-2-30-263-281

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About the Authors

Lyubov N. Trofimetz

Orel State University, Institute of Natural Sciences and Biotechnology,
95, Komsomolskaya str., Orel, 302026, Russia,
E-mail: trofimetc_l_n@mail.ru

Evgeny A. Panidi

Saint Petersburg State University, Institute of Earth Sciences, Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics,
33, 10th line of Vasil’evsky island, St. Petersburg, 199178, Russia,
E-mail: panidi@ya.ru, e.panidi@spbu.ru

Arkady V. Tarasov

Orel State University, Medical Institute, Department of Internal Medicine,
95, Komsomolskaya str., Orel, 302026, Russia,
E-mail: arcorel@yandex.ru

Aleksandr O. Barkalov

Orel State University, Institute of Natural Sciences and Biotechnology,
95, Komsomolskaya str., Orel, 302026, Russia,
E-mail: 7oup@mail.ru


The paper presents the results of studying the soil loss due to water erosion in an agricultural field located on the arable slope of the southern exposure at an experimental area located in the territory of the Oryol district of the Oryol Region (in the upper Oka basin). The research is based on the author’s in situ data. The use of a very high resolution satellite imagery, a digital elevation model (DEM), which was used to calculate morphometric relief indicators (catchment area and profile curvature), a large amount of data of the integrally selected soil samples in a 0–25 cm layer (more than 500), gamma-spectrometric and agrochemical analysis of soil samples together allowed us to develop a system of dependencies for 11 estimated zones. The catchment area and profile curvature were used as predictors. The zones differ in the degree of dissection of the surface by the hollow complex and by the slopes of the surface. For the watershed surface, an estimated zone is proposed that bounds the area of 500 m2 catchment area values. Caesium-137 acts as a marker of the degree of soil runoff. The high variability of caesium-137 in the experimental area is due, among other things, to the presence of pile-collapse furrows on the sloping surface. A gridded map of the soil runoff intensity compiled according to the developed equations shows that the soil loss intensity due to water erosion varies from 5 to 20 t/ha per year. Within 11 estimated zones, there is a difference in the areas of high-intensity soil runoff plots (20 t/ha per year and more). The regional methodology proposed in the article for soil losses assessment using caesium-137 radionuclide and morphometric topography indicators requires verification by an independent method.


Chernobyl origin caesium-137, satellite images, catchment area, profile curvature, soil runoff intensity, GIS


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For citation: Trofimetz L.N., Panidi E.A., Tarasov A.V., Barkalov A.O. Possibilities of a differentiated approach to assessment of water erosion soil loss in agricultural fields contaminated with radiocaesium (upper Oka basin). InterCarto. InterGIS. GI support of sustainable development of territories: Proceedings of the International conference. Moscow: MSU, Faculty of Geography, 2024. V. 30. Part 2. P. 263–281. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2024-2-30-263-281 (in Russian)