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About the Author
Marina V. Gribok
1, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119991, Russia,
The article is devoted to the development of approaches to the selection, processing and visualization of information about Russian regions for demonstration to a wide range of viewers using animated infographics. The study was conducted on the basis of systematization of experience in creating videos for the exhibition-forum “Russia”, held in Moscow from November 4, 2023 to July 8, 2024. The video infographics developed by the author of the article were shown to visitors of the exhibition and gave a general idea of the regions, including their population, natural resources and economic development. Using this project, the main information blocks of infographics are identified, and examples of video frame design are presented. It is concluded that in the scenario of animated infographics for outreach projects, it is necessary to take into account the goals and objectives of the project, the peculiarities of demonstrating video infographics to viewers, the peculiarities of its visual perception, the set timekeeping, and the individual characteristics of the regions. Depending on the characteristics of the regions, we have given recommendations on the information content of the video infographics. As a key element of the first seconds of the timing of each video, it is recommended to use an animated geographic image of Russia with zooming to the region and its color highlighting. Such animation seems to be the optimal solution for displaying as part of the first frame of the video infographics and can be supplemented by the appearance of the regional coat of arms and one or two short key phrases about the region. The further scenario of the video infographics depends on the characteristics of the population (dynamics, ethnic composition, ratio of urban and rural residents, etc.), key sectors of the economy, natural and climatic and other features that together make up a unique portrait of each region.
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For citation: Gribok M.V. Approaches to the development of animated infographics about the regions of Russia in the framework of the outreach project. InterCarto. InterGIS. Moscow: MSU, Faculty of Geography, 2024. V. 30. Part 1. P. 384–396. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2024-1-30-384-396 (in Russian)