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About the Authors
Irina Yu. Kalikina
2, Polevaya Str., Perm, 614081, Russian Federation,
Aleksey Yu. Turyshev
2, Polevaya Str., Perm, 614081, Russian Federation,
Aleksey V. Kuritsyn
2, Polevaya Str., Perm, 614081, Russian Federation,
The degree of preservation and condition of the natural vegetation cover are the most important indicator of the ecological well-being of the Russian regions. Conservation and rational use of plant resources is relevant in connection with the state programs of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation, as well as state import substitution programs. The Perm Krai is a Russian Region with a wide variety of flora. Hyperici herba is a promising type of medicinal plant raw materials. Hyperici herba is used as a raw material for the production of anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, immunotropic, adaptogenic, sedative, antidepressant, antioxidant, astringent, diuretic drugs in various dosage forms worldwide. The aim is to assess the resources and quality control of Hyperici herba, which grows in the Perm Krai for the possibility of further development of this Russian region. In this article, the peculiarities of the growth and distribution of Hyperici herba are revealed, quality control is carried out, the most promising areas for harvesting medicinal plant raw materials are identified. The medicinal plant materials harvesting was performed in the summer of 2022 by our own inventory expeditions to 13 districts of the Perm Krai. The Garmin ETrex Vista C navigator was used to determine the thicket’s growth geographic coordinates. Electronic distribution maps of medicinal plants were built in the ArcView program. The main resource indicators calculation was carried out according to the generally accepted method for determining the medicinal plants stocks. The phytochemical analysis of the harvested raw materials was performed in accordance with the 14th edition of the Russian State Pharmacopoeia. Information processing was carried out on personal computers in Microsoft Excel for Windows. Thus, the use of multifunctional GIS tools visually and clearly presented research information in the form of resource and phytochemical maps. This electronic cartographic material can be used in planning and prospects searching for the development of this Russian region in the future.
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For citation: Kalikina I.Yu., Turyshev A.Yu., Kuritsyn A.V. The use of GIS for the Perm Krai medicinal plant reserves study in order to develop the Russian region. InterCarto. InterGIS. Moscow: MSU, Faculty of Geography, 2023. V. 29. Part 2. P. 74–87. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2023-2-29-74-87 (in Russian)