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About the Author
Viktoria A. Silova
University ave, 97, 400062, Volgograd, Russia;
The results of studying the structural components of agricultural landscapes by geoinformation methods can quickly assess the current state of the land, identify the impact of elements on the landscape and the stability of land use itself. Cartographic analysis of agricultural landscapes of the transition zone of chestnut and light chestnut soils of the Volgograd region is carried out using geoinformation methods and techniques to assess their condition based on the results of decoding satellite images, allows you to display spatial features and identify patterns of changes in landscape objects. Mapping of the test site in the Kalachevsky District of the Volgograd region allowed us to estimate the area of the agricultural landscape at 9498.6 hectares, of which arable land occupies 41.6 %, protective forest strips of artificial origin—4.4 %, the rest of the territory is occupied by a gully–beam system. The relief features are a height difference of 32 m and a maximum slope angle of 3.45°. 3958.1 hectares of arable land were surveyed, the system of protective forest stands consists of 67 forest strips, with a total area of 175.2 hectares. 33 % of arable lands lose about 80 % of the fertile layer. At the landfill, the share of heavily degraded forest strips was 75 % of all forest strips, while 30 forest strips completely fell out. The effectiveness of the protective action of forest stands is low, which requires the implementation of measures for their reconstruction to ensure the integrity and productivity of the entire agricultural landscape. The total potential washout at the maximum values of the slope of the studied area is 73216.7 t. The intensity of the calculated amount of soil flushing across the fields varies from 9.8 to 29.1 t/ha. The total potential flushing at the average values of the slope of the studied area is 34248.2 t, and the intensity of the calculated amount of soil flushing is from 2.5 to 13.2 t/ha, respectively.
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For citation: Silova V.A. Cartographic analysis of agricultural landscapes of the transition zone of chestnut and light chestnut soils of the Volgograd region. InterCarto. InterGIS. Moscow: MSU, Faculty of Geography, 2022. V. 28. Part 2. P. 926–934. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2022-2-28-926-934 (in Russian)