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About the Authors
Alexander N. Panin
Leninskie Gory 1, 119991, Moscow, Russia;
Vitaliy M. Eshrokov
st. Pushkin, 1, 355009, Stavropol, Russia;
Rakim K. Makhmudov
st. Pushkin, 1, 355009, Stavropol, Russia;
Natalya V. Verosub
st. Pushkin, 1, 355009, Stavropol, Russia;
The article presents the results of the study of the formation and development of the functional and planning structure of the Stavropol agglomeration, as an integral part of the settlement system of the Stavropol Territory. Theoretically, the authors rely on the concept of a single settlement system and a supporting framework as a combination of nodal and linear elements that express the main features of the territorial organization of the region. The paper uses various sources of quantitative and qualitative information both in the context of the region and individual municipalities: the results of sociological surveys, census data, information about the current socio-economic and demographic situation of the territory, materials of state and departmental statistics, documents of territorial planning and urban planning design, the results of “field” studies of the territory.
On the basis of these data, the general characteristics of the Stavropol agglomeration are given, the spatial organization of settlement is analyzed, and the current trends of its development are determined. One of the results of the study is a geoinformation model of the agglomeration, in which its boundaries and composition are established, the coefficient of development is calculated, and a demographic forecast is made for the agglomeration as a whole and for individual municipalities.
Using the methods of geoinformation mapping, maps of the boundaries of the agglomeration and the transport accessibility of its cores, a promising structural and planning model of the Stavropol agglomeration were created. The authors conclude that population concentration does not necessarily create agglomeration effects due to the lack of internal connectivity of agglomerations and the use of the potential of inter-municipal cooperation.
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For citation: Panin A.N., Eshrokov V.M., Makhmudov R.K., Verosub N.V. Geoinformation analysis of the spatial structure of the Stavropol agglomeration. InterCarto. InterGIS. Moscow: MSU, Faculty of Geography, 2021. V. 27. Part 4. P. 373–387. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2021-4-27-373-387 (in Russian)