Territorial aspects of incidence of child population of the Murmansk region

DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2021-4-27-292-306

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About the Authors

Alla A. Martynova

Barents Centre of the Humanities—Branch of the Federal Research Centre “Kola Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences”,
184209, Murmansk region., Apatity, Fersmana str, 16a;
E-mail: martynovaalla@medknc.ru

Sergey V. Pryanichnikov

Barents Centre of the Humanities—Branch of the Federal Research Centre “Kola Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences”,
184209, Murmansk region., Apatity, Fersmana str. 16a;
E-mail: pryanichnikov@medknc.ru


The aim of the work is to study the territorial features of the childhood morbidity and identify unfavorable factors of anthropogenic load that have a negative impact on the health of the child population of the Murmansk region. The obtained geoinformation data will provide an opportunity to determine the areas of the region with the most stressful ecological situation together with the identification of leading diseases in these territories.

Along with the unfavorable climatic conditions of the Kola North, the child’s body is also influenced by the high anthropogenic load due to the high urbanization of the region. Large mining, processing and metallurgical centers contribute to the negative environmental impacts. The main sources of stationary pollution include enterprises involved in metallurgical production, mining activities, and the provision of facilities with electricity, gas and steam.

The search for the external negative stressors was based on content analysis of the official information open sources, followed by systematization, structural and comparative assessment of the data obtained. The ranking of the results was made according to the morbidity indicators and territorial zoning of unfavorable anthropogenic environmental factors. The data have been presented by the territorial body of medical statistics for the Murmansk region, Rospotrebnadzor, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Murmansk region and the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Fisheries of the Murmansk Region.

An assessment of the morbidity among the child population in the Murmansk region has shown that several areas with a tense ecological situation are identified in the region. Diseases of the respiratory and digestive systems, skin and subcutaneous tissue diseases are in the lead in the structure of the overall morbidity. At the same time, the indicators of the overall morbidity among the child population significantly exceed the national ones.


childhood morbidity, technogenic load, territorial zoning


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For citation: Martynova A.A., Pryanichnikov S.V. Territorial aspects of incidence of child population of the Murmansk region. InterCarto. InterGIS. Moscow: MSU, Faculty of Geography, 2021. V. 27. Part 4. P. 292–306. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2021-4-27-292-306 (in Russian)