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About the Authors
Sergey A. Sedykh
664033, Irkutsk, Ulan-Batorskaya st., 1, Russia;
Irina N. Bilichenko
664033, Irkutsk, Ulan-Batorskaya st., 1, Russia;
The western border of the Central Ecological Zone of Baikal runs along the watershed of the Primorskii range in physical and geographical terms, this ridge borders the west of the Baikal mountain-mountain taiga and basin province of the Baikal-Dzhugdzhur physical-geographical region. On the southeastern macroslope of the Primorskii ridge and the Priolkhon plateau, the effects of “rain shadow” and arid-hollow, contrasts of high-mountain and foothill effects are strongly pronounced. Since 2015 to 2016, the influence of the pyrogenic factor has significantly increased. More than 20 fires were recorded in the central part of the ridge alone. On the Priolkhon plateau, this is supplemented by an increasing anthropogenic influence every year.
The classification of the geosystems of the Primorskii range and their mapping based on the regional typological approach is the main goal of this study. The main tasks were: analysis of the regional background, identification of the main factors of differentiation, classification of facies and their groups of the study area, mapping of geosystems at the topological level (scales 1:50,000 and 1:100,000). To accomplish the tasks, integrated field research has been carried out since 2012, a database has been formed, including the initial basic cartographic data, remote sensing data, bases of descriptions and observations. The results of the research are: determination of criteria and data source for contours at different levels of cartographic representation, the sizes of areal sections are specified. Also compiled: basic landscape-typological maps and derived estimates. geosystems of the local level. A detailed assessment legend was formed (based on the georelational table of field descriptions and spatial data) with various characteristics of local topogeosystems, including seriality, geochemical type and subtype of facies, deviation from the background norm (factor-dynamic series). A variant of the estimated large-scale mapping is presented on a polygon with an area of 50 km2, where 95 areal contours related to 54 types of facies are identified, with an average area of 3.7 hectares.The complexity and diversity of local situations is analyzed, the affiliation of local geosystems with structures of regional dimension is established.
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For citation: Sedykh S.A., Bilichenko I.N. Classification of mountain geosystems of the Primorskii range (Priolkhonie) and their mapping. InterCarto. InterGIS. Moscow: MSU, Faculty of Geography, 2021. V. 27. Part 3. P. 375–386. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2021-3-27-375-386 (in Russian)