Morphometric analysis of the Crimean river basins relief by using GIS

DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2021-2-27-218-232

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About the Author

Anastasiya G. Narozhnyaya

Belgorod National Research University, Institute of Earth Sciences,
Pobedy, 85, 308015, Belgorod, Russia;


It is planned to develop projects of basin nature management for the Crimean peninsula. The characteristics of the relief within the river basins is an important stage in the pre-project justification. ArcGIS 10.5 is used for research. The tools of the subset “hydrology”, “Surface”, “Zonal”, “Algebra of maps” made it possible to create morphometric characteristics of the relief, and their visual representation in the GIS environment made it possible to establish spatial patterns and substantiate soil-water conservation measures. Shuttle radar topographic mission with a resolution of 3 arc seconds is selected as input data. Its resolution is consistent with the scale of the study. The morphometric analysis of the relief of 1534 different-order basin structures showed that the height of 64 % of the 3–6-order basins does not exceed 300 m; for them, five steps of vertical dissection of plain territories have been identified. 37 % of the basins are vertically divided into high-mountainous areas. In the plain part of Crimea, where deflationary processes are developed, the average slope steepness is 1°, basins with transversely straight longitudinal-straight slopes prevail, the linear boundaries on which can be rectilinear. In the foothill areas under conditions of agricultural use, soil deflation is added to the processes of water erosion caused by the presence of long slopes with a steepness of more than 3° with the values of the relief factor (LS) exceeding 2, and in some agricultural basins the average value of the relief factor is close to the critical value—4.3. Transversely convex slopes prevail in these territories, here it is necessary to design contour linear boundaries. The density of the river network is on average—0.11 km/km2 in the mountainous part of Crimea, but due to climatic, geomorphological and soil conditions, the redistribution of sediments occurs in the upper link of the erosion network (more developed on the territory of the peninsula). the density of the river network does not exceed 0.2 km/km2 in the flat part of the Crimea. Morphometric analysis of the relief allows describing the hydrogeomorphology of the river basin, identifying the causes of erosion, and substantiating the functioning of ecosystems.


morphometric analysis of relief, DEM, river basin, basin nature management, GIS


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For citation: Narozhnyaya A.G. Morphometric analysis of the Crimean river basins relief by using GIS. InterCarto. InterGIS. Moscow: MSU, Faculty of Geography, 2021. V. 27. Part 2. P. 218–232. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2021-2-27-218-232 (in Russian)