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About the Author
Tatiana I. Kuznetsova
664033 Irkutsk, Ulan-Batorskaya st 1, Russia;
Based on the electronic atlas “Baikal Region: Society and Nature”, the problem of landscape-cartographic support for studying the transformations of vast territories is being solved. The transformation of geosystems is understood as changes in the natural environment due to spontaneous development or anthropogenic interference. In this context, potential and actual transformations are distinguished. The research of potential transformations is associated with a geographic forecast of possible changes in the state of the environment due to external impact, and current transformations include an assessment of its current ecological state. The area under investigation includes the territory of the Baikal basin, and the northern regions of Mongolia.
This aspect is realized through the integration of a multitude of geographical data on the structure of natural systems, their sustainability and trends of anthropogenic transformations into a single target cartographic information system (CIS). The main requirement for the content of the target block of maps is the reliability of the results of a comprehensive research and their evidentiality if used to make management decisions to optimize the environment.
A logical and methodological coherence of small-scale target mapping of the natural environment of a vast territory has been developed. The analysis of natural structures was carried out and a basic inventory map of geosystems of scale (M 1:5,000,000) was created. We developed a set of geosystem characteristics and carried out an environmental interpretation of information and integrated environmental mapping, aside from that implemented geoecological zoning of the territory. Based on the information synthesis of the obtained data and knowledge about the modern landscape structure of the region, the methods of polysystem analysis, we revealed the nature of sustainability, functions, value characteristics of geosystems and the patterns of their anthropogenic transformations.
The presence of a single set of maps will provide a study of questions about potential and relevant transformations of geosystems. The small-scale maps of the Baikal region, compiled in a certain sequence on the basis of a single structural-hierarchical specialized classification, reflect a complex of environmental conditions that are important for making constructive-geographical, design, managerial, and environmental decisions.
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For citation: Kuznetsova T.I. Information-cartographic support for studying of potential transformations of geosystems for the digital atlas “Вaikal region: society and nature”. InterCarto. InterGIS. Moscow: MSU, Faculty of Geography, 2021. V. 27. Part 2. P. 17–30. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2021-2-27-17-30 (in Russian)