About methodology of identification of rural settlements with using the available information about them in documents and cartographic materials of the 16th–19th centuries (on the examples rural of Ruzsky District of Moscow Province)

DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2020-4-26-282-298

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About the Author

Anton P. Krassowski

State University оf Land Use Planning, Faculty of Land Use Planning,
Kazakov str., 15, 105064, Moscow, Russia,
E-mail: anton.krass@gmail.com


The research presented in this article is devoted to solving the problem of searching for information about rural in the materials of the 16th-19th centuries when performing historical, genealogical, local history and similar studies, which arise as a result of the instability in time of their names and changes in the places where information about them is stored.

The study found that initially this problem (the problem of identification) was solved by specifying various features for rural in documents in addition to their names, and later — in addition to this, by drawing up drawings and plans depicting the mutual location of rural and surrounding terrain objects, however, the systematization of these features and methods of their use, suitable for use in the preparation of algorithms for the functioning of modern geoinformation systems has not been developed so far.

We present in this article the work is done using information about the rural of Ruzsky district, Moscow province contained in the historical documents of 16th–19th centuries and a synthesis of their literature (Cadastre, Census, Metric, Boundary, Sentinel, Accountant, Income, Domashnih and Quitrent books, as well as in the Confessional statements), and on cartographic materials of the 17th–19th centuries (drawings, plans, maps and one diagram), on the basis of which criteria identification of rural and the methodology of its implementation.

In the course of the work, the systematization of the factual material and its presentation in tabular form, suitable both for the purposes of the presented research, and for use by other specialists working in related fields of science and practice. The approbation of the proposed method, the evaluation of its effectiveness and the results obtained in the course of this work showed the possibility of applying the results of the presented work for practical use.


Ruzsky district of Moscow province, Scribal, Census, Metric and Boundary books, Confessional sheets, Drawings, Plans, Maps and Diagrams of the territory of the Russian State of the 17th–19th centuries


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For citation: Krassowski A.P. About methodology of identification of rural settlements with using the available information about them in documents and cartographic materials of the 16th–19th centuries (on the examples rural of Ruzsky District of Moscow Province). InterCarto. InterGIS. GI support of sustainable development of territories: Proceedings of the International conference. Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2020. V. 26. Part 4. P. 282–298. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2020-4-26-282-298 (in Russian)