Basic approaches to geoinformation modeling of ecological state of the Lake Baikal basin

DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2020-4-26-46-59

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About the Authors

Anton V. Silaev

V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography SB RAS,
Ulan-Batorskaya str., 1, 664033, Irkutsk, Russia,

Yury M. Semenov

V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography SB RAS,
Ulan-Batorskaya str., 1, 664033, Irkutsk, Russia,

Mikhail Yu. Semenov

Limnological Institute SB RAS,
Ulan-Batorskaya str., 3, 664033, Irkutsk, Russia,


Lake Baikal is a unique natural facility and the largest drinking water reservoir in the region. Therefore, monitoring the environmental status of its basin remains an urgent task. In order to develop measures to reduce the content of pollutants in the surface and groundwater of the lake basin and to prevent the negative impact of pollutants on the health of the inhabitants of the region, research is needed to identify the spatial and temporal structure of pollution in the lake basin. Basic approaches to biogeoecological monitoring methodology for Baikal basin ecosystems have been developed. It is based on the identification of anthropogenic sources of the substance and the observation of the links between them and the objects of the environment by considering the objects as mixtures and the sources as their components. Landscape monitoring approaches are used, taking into account the organization of geosystems and patterns of distribution of pollutants. Methodological approaches to the development of cartographic support for monitoring the pollution structure and distribution of pollutants in the Lake Baikal basin have been justified. Monitoring is based on the analysis of many data on physical and geographical conditions, economic structure, pollution level, spatial distribution and quality composition of pollutants. Since it uses a variety of materials and data, the necessary step is to bring them to a geometrically comparable view — a single scale and projection, that is, mutual transformation, which is an important element of GIS technology. The mapping methodology is based on the basic provisions of the geosystems exercise. The main parameters of landscape-geochemical differentiation of the basin are analyzed, maps of differentiation of surface waters by the ability of waters to self-cleanand the scheme of zoning of the territory by the ability to provide certain water composition are drawn up.


geoinformation analysis, mapping, Lake Baikal, geosystems, ecological state


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For citation: Silaev A.V., Semenov Yu.M., Semenov M.Yu. Basic approaches to geoinformation modeling of ecological state of the Lake Baikal basin. InterCarto. InterGIS. GI support of sustainable development of territories: Proceedings of the International conference. Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2020. V. 26. Part 4. P. 46–59. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2020-4-26-46-59 (in Russian)