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About the Authors
Sergey V. Pyankov
Olga A. Berezina
Rinat K. Abdullin
Andrew V. Tarasov
Bukireva str., 15, 614990, Perm, Russia,
The Kizel coal basin (KCB) is located on the western slope of the Ural Mountains, in the east of Perm Krai. Coal production has been carried out there since 1796 mainly underground. The field development negatively influenced the environment.
The mines liquidation that finished in the beginning of 2000s did not solve ecological problems. When groundwater level recovered, acid mine waters poured out and their charges. Despite the fact that the volume of mine water flow into the rivers has decreased, in comparison with the period of operation of the basin, they continue to cause significant damage to the environment.
To monitor the ecological situation on the territory of the abandoned KСB, a basin GIS has been developed. Geo-data base has been developed that the GIS is based on. GIS is organized as a cartographic web-service to provide access to environmental data for all interested user and to support the actions to improve the ecological state of the environment: selecting the most effective methods оf remediation and sites for their implementation.
The key features of the Web-GIS are the imaging of spatial and statistical data that include long-time observational series of chemical composition and charges of acid mine water pouring out, terrace and stream runoffs for a long time period (2003–2017). To observe data about the quantity of different sources of pollution on river basin basis is also possible with this tool. The access to attributive information includes the opportunity to find objects using attribute values.
The developed web-GIS has public access and contains relevant information about the ecological situation on the territory that has been damaged by the abolished KCB.
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For citation: Pyankov S.V., Berezina O.A., Abdullin R.K., Tarasov A.V. Geo-ecological GIS of the abandoned Kizel coal basin: information content and functional opportunities. InterCarto. InterGIS. GI support of sustainable development of territories: Proceedings of the International conference. Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2019. V. 25. Part 1. P. 308–319. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2019-1-25-308-319 (in Russian)