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About the Authors
Tatiana Yu. Vyruchalkina
Gubkina str., 3, 119333, Moscow, Russia,
Anatoliy V. Frolov
Gubkina str., 3, 119333, Moscow, Russia,
This article presents the results of works on creation of bathymetric models hyperhaline Bol’shoe Yashaltinskoe Lake. The basis of the model of the Bol’shoe Yashaltinskoe Lake was the data of expedition research on the lake, conducted in the spring of 2014, as well as the results of the creation of a digital model of the terrain, including the lake. Digital terrain model created by digitizing topographic maps using the software package Golden Software (Didger 5, Surfer 12). As a result of the joint processing of forwarding data and digital maps for the first time obtained bathymetric model of the Bol’shoe Yashaltinskoe Lake, its morphometric and bathymetric dependence, built bathymetric map. A method is proposed for modeling lake water balance and water salinity based on geographic analogy and an algorithm for constructing a stochastic vector autoregression process. On the basis of new data on morphometry and bathymetry of the lake, realizations of the simulated series of lake water balance components and water salinity variations over 1000 years with a monthly step are constructed. Analysis of productivity halophilic crustacean Artemia salina, depending on water temperature and salinity Bol’shoe Yashaltinskoe Lakes аre made. It is shown that the productivity of crustacean A. salina depends on the salinity of the lake waters. Three options for managing the lake’s water balance regime are considered. It is shown that for maintenance of optimum salinity which will provide comfortable existence of a lake zoo- and phytoplankton and the maximum productivity of A. salina it is a regime of water supply to the Bol’shoe Yashaltinskoe Lake, in which water is additionally supplied to the lake in February-March and June-September.
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For citation: Vyruchalkina T.Yu., Frolov A.V. BATHYMETRIC AND MORPHOMETRIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE BOLSHOE YASHALTINSKOE LAKE IN THE MODELING OF RESERVOIR’S WATER-SALT BALANCE. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2018;24(2):319–328 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2018-2-24-319-328 (in Russian)