DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2018-2-24-281-291

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About the Author

Sakr C. Samar

Université Libanaise, département de géographie, faculté des lettres et sciences humaines,
Fanar, Liban,


Beirut a Mediterranean littoral area having a rather complex topography is regularly subjected to the systems of alternation of breezes in summer period. One was based on a database made up of our own network of measurement at the time of campaigns of ground carried out in 2017. This article proposes a study on space-time variabilities of the thermal breezes in relation to the topography and the occupation of the ground in the area of Beirut. The analysis of the MNT made it possible to chart the relief of the city (littoral, hills and valleys). The occupation of the ground was carried out by teledetection to produce a cartography inspired of the form and nomenclature of CORINE LANDCOVER. This preliminary work was used for the choice of the realization of the series of measurements. The series of itinerant measurements were carried out at the valleys emerging the city and the center of the city in order to detect the night and diurnal breezes. When topography supports the drain of the air, the breezes are also well marked: in fact the orographical breezes (breeze of slope and breeze of valley) can develop on tens of km length and reach relatively important speeds it is what was shown in our zone of study.


thermal breezes, cartography, itinerant measures


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For citation: Samar S.C. ANALYSIS OF LOCAL AEROLOGY IN THE REGION OF BEIRUT DURING THE SUMMER PERIOD. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2018;24(2):281–291 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2018-2-24-281-291 (in French)