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About the Author
Ekaterina N. Sutyrina
Karl Marx str., 1, 664003, Irkutsk, Russia,
The relationship between the water transparency and the content of dissolved and suspended organic and inorganic substances in it allows to regard the transparency as the one of the most important physical parameters of the water quality. Remote sensing is an indispensable tool to study the distribution of transparency of Lake Baikal with the surface area of 31.7 thousand km². Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate and map the spatiotemporal distribution of relative water transparency of the surface layer of Lake Baikal using Earth remote sensing data. Regional methods of determining the relative water transparency of the surface layer of Lake Baikal with AVHRR data was developed by matching ship and satellite information. Using the regional algorithms, a series of maps of relative transparency of the surface layer of Lake Baikal were developed, according to which it was investigated that durind the period from June to October in 1998–2017 the water transparency of the surface layer of the lake range from less than 0.1 m in the immediate vicinity of the Selenga River delta, in the Gulf of Proval and Posolsky Sor, to more than 27.5 m in the deep-water areas of the lake. Interannual and interannual variability of average values of water transparency of the surface layer within some lacustrine areas and the entire water area of the lake was examined and the major features of the spatiotemporal distribution of transparency of the surface layer of Baikal Lake during an ice-free period was also estimated.
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For citation: Sutyrina E.N. THE APPLICATION OF AVHRR DATA FOR THE STUDY OF HYDROOPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF LAKE BAIKAL. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2018;24(2):151–157 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2018-2-24-151-157 (in Russian)