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About the Author
Pavel E. Kargashin
Leninskie Gory, 1, 119991, Moscow, Russia,
The inventory of man-made objects (for example, within the framework of an environmental study) is often necessary for surveys of oil and gas production areas. But a literature review of similar researches reveals that little attention has been paid to interpreting oil and gas field facilities themselves, as well as to recognizing the types of objects in satellite images of these areas.
This article considers the image characteristics of areal and linear objects of oil and gas condensate fields in Landsat satellite images. It also considers methods of visual analyzing of space images for the accuracy and reliability of those objects recognized on the basis of direct and indirect interpretation features.
The essence of the proposed technique consists in the step-by-step recognition of various types of objects, in an analysis of their functional relations, and in the application of knowledge about the principles of work organization at oil and gas condensate fields.
This article presents fragments of interpretive schemes that illustrate stages of work, taking as an example the Zapolyarnoye oil and gas condensate field. The author’s research results show that images of 30 m resolution have a significant information potential, and at the same time can provide for a complete description of field infrastructure.
The application of the technique presented in this article is considered in the context of visual interpretation. However, it can become a foundation of automated work on the basis of image-classification algorithms. Another obvious direction is the use of this method in the preliminary analysis of a territory and, using ultra-high-resolution images, in the positioning of technical objects for subsequent specification of their characteristics.
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For citation: Kargashin P.E. VISUAL INTERPRETATION OF OIL AND GAS CONDENSATE FIELD FACILITIES FROM LANDSAT IMAGES. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2018;24(2):83–93 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2018-2-24-83-93 (in Russian)