DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2018-2-24-71-82

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About the Author

Svetlana V. Kalinicheva

Melnikov Permafrost Institute SB RAS,
Merzlotnaya str., 36, 677010, Yakutsk, Russia,


Approbation of the technique for the identification of permafrost and taliks using satellite data is shown in the article, as well as the possibilities of mapping their distribution in the zone of discontinuous permafrost in the mountainous regions of South Yakutia, as exemplified by the Olekma-Charskiy Highland. The study was carried out in the central part of the Tarynnakh iron ore deposit (Murun-Tarynnakh Uplift). The results of the correlation analysis of satellite data with field full-scale materials are presented. The indicator properties of the radiation temperature (thermal infrared radiation from the surface of the landscape) obtained using the Landsat-5/TM infrared survey in channel 6 for the identification and regional mapping of permafrost are described in detail. The influence of physical and geographical factors (landscape cryoindicators) affecting the formation of the temperature of the underlying rocks and thereby their state (frozen and thawed), which is reflected in the intensity of the radiation temperature, is expressed. Cryoindicators supplement each other and, under the conditions of sharply dissected mountain relief, sufficiently clearly reveal the masses of permafrost and thawed rocks. The method of uncontrolled classification for differentiating vegetation and snow cover types from multispectral snapshots was used in the ArcGis10.1 program.

Based on the results of studies using the method for detecting permafrost and thawed rocks using satellite imagery, developed earlier by the author on the example of the Elkon mountain massif, the patterns of formation of the temperature of the underlying rocks in the base of annual fluctuations by the main physical and geographical factors were determined, and a new spatial picture) differentiation of permafrost and thawed rocks in the study area under consideration. The repeated approbation of the developed technique confirmed the possibility of its use for the study of permafrost in the mountainous regions of the cryolithozone.


landscape indication, permafrost, mapping, remote sensing, thermal infrared survey


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For citation: Kalinicheva S.V. IDENTIFICATION AND MAPPING OF PERMAFROST AND THALIKS USING SATELLITE IMAGES (ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE OLEKMO-CHARSKIY HIGHLAND IN SOUTHERN YAKUTIA). Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2018;24(2):71–82 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2018-2-24-71-82 (in Russian)