DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2018-1-24-588-595

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About the Author

Marina V. Gribok

Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Leninskie Gory, 1, 119991, Moscow, Russia,
E-mail: gribok.marina@gmail.com


The article presents the analysis of the possibilities of using data on geolocated photos as a source for the study of tourist attractiveness of roadside landscapes. Revealed clusters of geotagged images presented on the Internet sources Flickr, Google Panoramio and 500px.com for the road Р256 “Chuysky tract” (Chuya highway). For the example presented the map of part of the route from 620 to 730 km with marked accumulations of geolocated images, natural, historical and cultural attractions and camps located along the route. The map clearly demonstrates similarities and differences in the location of areas of user’s interest and the ratio of photogeolocation clusters with local natural and historical attractions. The accumulation of geotagged photos does not always correspond to the attractions along the Chuysky tract. At the same time, natural attractions are characterized by larger clusters of geotagged images than cultural ones. The study revealed the sections of the road that are the most attractive for tourists from the point of view of aesthetic perception. Comparison of the distribution of geolocated images on different resources showed that geographically coincide on all three websites only the largest clusters of geotagged images corresponding to popular natural attractions. Smaller clusters of geotagged photos are located relatively randomly along the route and in most cases do not coincide on different web resources.

Finally, we discuss the possibilities and limitations of using data on the geolocated photos for research the tourist attractiveness of the territories. Comparison of tourist attraction points based on data of photogeolocations is possible only for points with the same accessibility. In addition, the more points of geotagged photos on the study area and the more visible their accumulations, as more confident you can draw conclusions about the tourist attractiveness of the territory on the basis of data of this kind.


geolocation, Flickr, Panoramio, tourist attraction, landscape perception


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For citation: Gribok M.V. ON THE POSSIBILITY OF USING DATA ON GEOLOCATED PHOTOS IN THE RESEARCH OF TOURIST ATTRACTIVENESS OF ROADSIDE LANDSCAPES (EXEMPLIFIED BY THE CHUYA HIGHWAY). Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2018;24(1):588–595 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2018-1-24-588-595 (in Russian)