DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2018-1-24-548-561

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About the Authors

Tatiyana A. Andreeva

Saint Petersburg State University, Institute of Earth Sciences,
V.O., 10th line, 33–35, 199034, Saint Petersburg, Russia,
E-mail: chippo_@mail.ru

Maria V. Litvinova

Saint Petersburg State University, Institute of Earth Sciences,
V.O., 10th line, 33–35, 199034, Saint Petersburg, Russia,
E-mail: an-lubim@yandex.ru


The article describes the features of confessional mapping on the example of mapping of Russian Orthodoxy in the framework of the scientific reference historical and geographical Atlas “Russian Orthodox Church: from century to century” at the Department of cartography and geoinformatics of St. Petersburg State University. The relevance and importance of the research topic, in particular for Russia, is associated with the great importance of religion and faith in the history of the formation of the state, in the formation and development of spirituality and culture. A brief history of confessional mapping in Russia and an analysis of its state today are given. The stages and features of the development and creation of maps included in the Atlas "Russian Orthodox Church: from century to century" are described. The author reveals the nature of the content, structure and design of confessional cards. The article describes modern methods and computer technologies used in the development and creation of confessional maps and their reduction into a satin product.

As a result, about 150 original maps were created, which were included in the first volume of the Atlas of Russian Orthodoxy—“History of the highest hierarchy and diocesan structure” and about 200—in the second “Orthodox monasteries”. Databases of dioceses (more than 300) and monasteries (about 3000) that ever existed in the Russian Orthodox Church in the canonical territory and beyond were compiled.

Thus, the role and importance of religious maps and atlases for the preservation of historical and cultural heritage and tourism is revealed. Also, the accumulated experience and material in the creation of the Atlas of Orthodoxy plays a great role in the educational process for students of cartographic and theological orientation, in scientific research on the theoretical foundations of Atlas and historical cartography, in research and production projects for the creation of historical and cultural geoportals and web resources with cartographic data.


confessional mapping, atlas cartography, historical cartography, Russian Orthodoxy


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For citation: Andreeva T.A., Litvinova M.V. FEATURES FAITH-BASED MAPPING FOR THE PURPOSE OF PRESERVING HISTORICAL-CULTURAL HERITAGE AND TOURISM. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2018;24(1):548–561 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2018-1-24-548-561 (in Russian)