DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2018-1-24-437-449

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About the Authors

Alexander N. Ogurtsov

Saint Petersburg State University, Institute of Earth Sciences,
10-line, 33–35, 199178, St. Petersburg, VO, Russia,

Vasiliy V. Dmitriev

Saint Petersburg State University, Institute of Earth Sciences,
10-line, 33–35, 199178, St. Petersburg, VO, Russia,

Vladimir Yu. Razzhivin

Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Professor Popov, 2, 197376, St. Petersburg str., Russia,


This article discusses results of researches on the integral estimation of potential resistance of a soil cover Sakhalin to pollution by petroleum hydrocarbons (PHc) with use of GIS-technology. To compare the potential resistance of different soils, the ASPID-method of integral estimation was utilized. This method integrates various criteria and provides an efficient result of estimating the resistance of soils, which is expressed in the form of integrated indices. The obtained results were compared by the integrated index which is a measure of the resistance of a soil.

A main list of indicators that reflect to different aspects of the potential resistance of the soil cover was defined. For the assessment three indicator groups, reflecting the processes of accumulation, destruction and removal of petroleum hydrocarbons are used. The integral assessment was designed with two different scenarios: equality of groups and priority of destruction and removal over accumulation. Integrated indices were obtained for two evaluation scenarios for 103 soil polygons taking into account the significance (weight) of separate criteria of soil resistance to PHc pollution.

The use of non-numerical and inaccurate information from different data sources has allowed the calculation of the integrated index to create different evaluation scenarios and to identify “more sensitive” or “invariant” areas in relation to PHc pollution. The possibility of ranking the territory according to the stability of the soil cover with the identification of "sensitive" and "invariant" states of soil secretions, the stability of which does not change in various information situations.

The testing of an integrated assessment performed on the example of Sakhalin Island revealed that the properties of the petroleum hydrocarbon contamination have a great impact on the resistance of the soils. This is confirmed by GIS visualization and identification on the map of differences in the assessment of the resistance of soil polygons located in different parts of the island under different assessment scenarios.

The suggested methodical approach can be useful for decision-makers on issues related to environmental protection.


soil, petroleum hydrocarbons, estimation of resistance, ASPID, GIS


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For citation: Ogurtsov A.N., Dmitriev V.V., Razzhivin V.Yu. RESISTANCE OF THE SOIL COVER OF THE ISLAND OF SAKHALIN TO POLLUTION BY OIL HYDROCARBONS: INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT AND GEOINFORMATION ANALYSIS. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2018;24(1):437–449 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2018-1-24-437-449 (in Russian)