DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2018-1-24-405-418

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About the Authors

Natalya V. Krutskikh

Institute of Geology of Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Pushkinskaya str., 11, 185910, Petrozavodsk, Russia,

Viktor L. Mironov

Institute of Geology of Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Pushkinskaya str., 11, 185910, Petrozavodsk, Russia,

Pavel A. Ryazantsev

Institute of Geology of Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Pushkinskaya str., 11, 185910, Petrozavodsk, Russia,


GIS and satellite images are efficiently used at the initial stage of mire studies. Multi-spectral satellite images are used to analyze the spatial structure of various microlandscapes and reveal the main heterogeneities of mires. Two perilacustrine mires, Shuiyskie Plavni and Ravdukorbi, located in the Onega Lake basin, are discussed in the present paper. They are considered as natural flood plain mires. Occurring on them are three groups of biotopes: dominantly superaquatic, moderately superaquatic and short-time superaquatic. The vegetation coverof Shuiskie Plavni Mire consists of eutrophic communities, forming several consecutive belts composed of bog-grass, willow-motley grass, motley grass, sedge, reed and cane black alder and birch forests. The plant cover at the open sites of Ravdukorbi Mire is dominated by sedge-marsh cinquefoil, willow-marsh cinquefoil and grass-dwarf shrub-sphagnum communities and at the forest sites by bog-grass birch stands, mesoeutrophic bogbean-sphagnum pine stands and mesooligotrophic pine-dwarf shrub-sphagnum communities. As both mires adjoin lakes with a large specific watershed, they are regularly flooded in spring. As a result, the vegetation and geochemical indices are affected. Satellite images are deciphered basically using Landsat 8 space survey data. Images were processed thematically using rasters created by calculating the spectral indices NDVI, NDMI, the iron oxide index and the underlying surface index. Non-controlled classification of mire areas, conducted by analyzing major components, showed considerable similarity to the results of field studies. The data obtained will be used to continue mire studies, to construct a trail network and to update current research methods.


remote sensing, wetland complexes, geophysical studies


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For citation: Krutskikh N.V., Mironov V.L., Ryazantsev P.A. THE USE OF GIS-TECHNOLOGIES FOR MIRE STUDIES. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2018;24(1):405–418 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2018-1-24-405-418 (in Russian)